Re: Legacy-software
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 21:57:40 +0300
Message-ID: <488e16a8$0$23584$>
"Jack" <> kirjoitti
> Hi!
> Well, interesting piece of software this new Legacy7.
> Would it be possible to port it to use Oracle?
> (without sourcecode ;)
> Now it uses MS Access, it would be nice to use Oracle RDBMS ;)
> That new 7-version has great Mapping and charting features!
> Order and download DeLuxe:
> Some videos about this software:
Get none answers.
Lets formule this a bit other way...
Think that w-system is not real player after five years...
What would be best strategy and tools to make more platforms available? (with all source codes and normal limited develoment resources) Just a hypotetic question. Or philosophic if you like it more. Received on Mon Jul 28 2008 - 13:57:40 CDT