Re: user_updatable_columns

From: Tomo <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:57:13 +0200
Message-ID: <g2oeqc$lle$>

"Shakespeare" <> wrote in message news:484f9399$0$14353$
> "Tomo" <> schreef in bericht
> news:g2o39c$mr8$
>> "Shakespeare" <> wrote in message
>> news:484f879d$0$14345$
>>> "Tomo" <> schreef in bericht
>>> news:g2nvi8$e70$
>>>> if i
>>>> select * from user_updatable_columns
>>>> i get information if column in table is updatable or not, insertable or
>>>> not, deletable or not.
>>>> What makes column updatable, insertable, deletable?? Primary key, not
>>>> null
>>>> constraints..??
>>>> please clear my mind!
>>> USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS describes columns in a JOIN VIEW that can be
>>> updated by the current user.
>> Yes, but why one column is updatable or other is it depend on
>> create table statement??
>>> Shakespeare
> No it is how your CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW statement is built. It's not
> about tables, but about views. If you update a view, Oracle must be able
> to find (uniquely) the underlying row in one of the tables the view was
> composed of.

if query is written with rowid then every row will be uniquely recognized. So if i understand you right every column will be updatable.

for example ..
create or replace view view_emp_dept as
select e.*, e.rowid rowemp, d.*, d.rowid rowdept from
emp e, dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno

in USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS every column from emp and dept could be updatable???

> Shakespeare
Received on Wed Jun 11 2008 - 06:57:13 CDT

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