segment growth

From: Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 08:17:34 +0200
Message-ID: <>



I have just tried to realize how to count a segment growth trend based on the dba_hits_seg_stat rows.
And now I am puzzled:
1. on the metalink I have found the article 1395195.1, which suggests to simply sum the db_block_changes_delta
2. I displayed the data for some particular segment to find out the possible relations between numbers and I would say this is rather the value, which indicates literally the delta of block changes i.e. all the deletes, inserts, updates and not only new blocks - for example because the db_block_changes_delta is always positive and db_block_changes_total always grows
3. So I look at space_used_total assuming this is the total space used by the segment in the moment a snap is taken - and here longer example

current size of the object
object_name | blocks | bytes
ZABBIX.ITEMS        4992    40894464

excerpt from snap values - few subsequent snaps
13356    933731    9503
13357    937827    4096
13358    940940    3113
13359    -3277    -3277
13360    737    4014
13361    6062    5325
13362    7045    983

until 13358 all is fine I see the logic ( space_used_total(n)=space_used_total(n-1)+space_used_delta(n) )
but then negative total value (and the logic's gone) - no idea what to think about that.
And the main question - how to calculate the segment growth trend in a reliable manner?

Best regards
Pole na kazi

Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
pos   : Senior DBA at DIiUSI
comp  : Nordea IT Polska Sp. z o.o.
addr  : Luzycka 6A st, 81-537 Gdynia, Poland
phone : +48 58 667 17 43
mobile: +48 602 42 42 77
geo   : 54.4952N 18.4332E


Nordea IT Polska Sp.z o.o. z siedzibą w 81-537 Gdynia, ul. Łużycka 6A wpisaną do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem: 0000429783, dla której dokumentację przechowuje Sąd Rejonowy dla M.St. Warszawy w Warszawie, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, o kapitale zakładowym i opłaconym w wysokości: 40.000.000,00 złotych, NIP: 527-268-29-50, REGON: 146278110

-- Received on Wed Apr 02 2014 - 08:17:34 CEST

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