RE: ALTER TABLE ADD columns in parallel?

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014 13:03:41 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <>

Mark ("mwf") replies:

> THEN you might swap in place a one row table for the one having columns
> added and then manually follow Mark's suggestion after the patch finishes

This gave me an idea. Our upgrade involves an out-of-place data migration. Based on the SQL I saw being run -- i.e. no trace done yet -- I should be able to impdp all 3000+ tables except the data from this particular table. JDE can do what it feels it needs to do to it for the migration, then I can run an impdp of the lone table with a DOP of 16, create indexes, and reset DOP. Initial test shows minutes instead of hours, even disregarding obvious SAN caching (2-3GB/s on PIOs).

Of course, that's provided the migration doesn't need to apply DML to those 16M rows that I missed, but it's something to consider.

Thanks much!


Received on Wed Mar 05 2014 - 20:03:41 CET

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