Re: Full scan vs index

From: Stefan Knecht <>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 07:40:21 +0700
Message-Id: <>

One thing to note that has not been mentioned.

It seems to me you are comparing the cost of your 3 queries, and the third being worse because the cost is higher.

Cost is not meant to be used like this.

Cost of 2 different queries is not related. Cost is used to find the best plan for a single query only.


On 10 Oct 2013, at 20:25, "Storey, Robert (DCSO)" <> wrote:

> Morning,
> I don't understand the decision process for the CHOOSE optimizer sometimes. Maybe I'm just overlooking something fundamental about query parsing. Here is the scenario and maybe someone can enlighten me.
> Table A has 12 columns I have indexes on columns 1, 2, and 3. With column 1 being the PK for the table. There are 596,785 records in the table
> Column 1 is ordernum number(12)
> Column 2 is Status char(1) with possible values of I or A.
> Column 3 is Lastname.
> So, I do the following query.
> Select count(*) from A where ordernum > 600000. It returns 87000 records. The explain plan shows a cost of 113 and the use of the ordernum_pk. Easy enough.
> Select count(*) from A where Status = 'I'. again, 435000 records, plan is a cost of about 123 and uses the status index.
> Now the part I don't get.
> Select lastname from A where ordernum > 600000. Now I get a Full table Access of A to return 81K rows at a cost of 1152. So, order of magnitude worse and NO index usage.
> I would think that even though I'm pulling a column out, it would still use the index scan to get the target rows. Why would adding the column make it decide to scan full table vice index?
> --

Received on Fri Oct 11 2013 - 02:40:21 CEST

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