Re: Sr Oracle DBA Position - One last try
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 15:01:41 -0600
Message-ID: <>
I am not the admin, but have been on this list since 1994. Many of the top people from then are still here. The one-off announcements from working dba users (not recruiters) have always been allowed as long as the member doesn't abuse the privilege. Recruiters have generally been blocked with a couple of exceptions. Those that have been allowed worked specific arrangements with list admins as to what could be posted and how often and absolutely no address harvesting allowed type stuff. --Rodd Holman
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Hans Forbrich <>wrote:
> With all due respect, my observation - since Comp.Databases.Oracle.*
> Usenet Newsgroups (mid-1990s) - is that as soon as a
> list/newgroup/group/forum supports advertising, the list degenerates
> very quickly, and all (ALL) the top people you attempt to reach move to
> another forum.
> Has happened consistently in 5 forums in which I have participated. I
> do NOT want it to happen here.
> "Why not tap into the resources." is great, if you are a head hunter.
> Not so great if you want to keep the technical level of the list very high.
> Just my 2 cents worth.
> /Hans
> On 30/01/2013 10:37 AM, wrote:
> > I've seen others posting positions here and think it's a great idea.
> This
> > list consists of some of the top Oracle talent out there so why would I
> > not tap into the resources here.
> >
> > WGB
> --
-- on Wed Jan 30 2013 - 22:01:41 CET