redo and undo

From: Paul Harrison <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 09:32:30 -0600
Message-ID: <000601ccfae5$2daeb1a0$890c14e0$>

Hi All,

Let's say I run the following command... insert into cure.thecure (firstname ,lastname) values('oracle','11gr2'); The table has an index on the lastname column...

Using Log Miner, There is redo and undo for the table block. The book I'm reading said that all 3 types of blocks (undo, table, index) have generated redo to protect them. I'm lost here because I do not see redo for the index block or the undo block. I only see redo and undo for the table block.         

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Log Miner info below:

INSERT insert into "CURE"."THECURE"("FIRSTNAME","LASTNAME") values ('oracle','11gr2'); delete from "CURE"."THECURE" where "FIRSTNAME" = 'oracle' and "LASTNAME" = '11gr2' and ROWID = 'AAARlCAAEAAAAIMAAB';

-- Received on Mon Mar 05 2012 - 09:32:30 CST

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