Re: forcing a hinted plan on a non-hinted statement
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 17:18:20 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Job for documenting this. We use a similar procedure for Outlines and the code below helps me (and us all!) when moving to 11g SPM. John
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 7:57 AM, Job Miller <> wrote:
> I saw this and thought it might be helpful to someone.
> If you have a statement that you can hint to a correct plan, and you want that hinted plan to be the correct plan all the time for the non-hinted statement, use SPM in 11g to associate a good plan (from the hinted execution) with a particular non-hinted SQL statement.
> 1. Run the non-hinted SQL producing the bad plan
> 2. Find the SQL_ID
> 3. Create a SQL Plan Baseline for the statment
> variable cnt number;
> execute :cnt:=dbms_spm.load_plans_from_cursor_cache(sql_id=>'...');
> 4. Disabling that plan.. requires sql_hanlde and plan_name:
> select sql_handle, sql_text, plan_name, enabled from dba_sql_plan_baselines;
> 5. Alter SQL Plan Base to disabled:
> variable cnt number;
> SQL_HANDLE=> :sql_handle,
> PLAN_NAME=>:plan_name
> ATTRIBUTE_NAME=>'enabled'
> 6. Modify SQL Statement using hints and execute it.
> 7. Fin new SQL_ID and PLAN_HASH_VALUE
> select SQL_ID, SQL_FULLTEXT from v$sql where SQL_TEXT like '%YOUR_HINTED_STATEMENT%'
> 8. create new accepted plan for original SQL stmt by associating the modified plan to the original statement's SQL Handle
> dbms_spm.load_plans_from_cursor_cache(sql_id=>:sql_id,plan_hash_value=>:plan_hash,sql_handle=> :sql_handle);
> 9. verify hinted plan is in baseline and enabled
> select sql_handle, sql_text, plan_name, enabled from dba_sql_plan_baselines;
> Good luck..
> --
-- John Kanagaraj <>< (Sorry - not an Oracle blog!) ** The opinions and facts contained in this message are entirely mine and do not reflect those of my employer or customers ** -- on Mon Mar 15 2010 - 19:18:20 CDT