Re: Oracle RAC on Win vs. Oracle on Linux
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 18:17:11 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I wouldn't "specifically" avoid Windows on RAC as there are many Win/RAC shops out there. I prefer to run Oracle on *nix platforms just because I am more comfortable and experienced running it there (although I have run some Oracle on Windows, just not RAC and had no issue). I have run RAC on Solaris/AIX/Linux and all have their nuances but for the most part it's very similar. I think it really depends on what the shop is comfortable running? If your administrators prefer Windows for the OS, then I don't really see a problem running RAC there. The same goes if you prefer Linux, Solaris, AIX, etc...
One benefit of Linux or Solaris is that going forward, they will be the platforms that newer versions of the DB will be built on (and then ported to others). Most of the bug fixes and patches will come out for these platforms first and then trickle to the rest (unless a bug is platform specific).
Now one of my former coworkers went to a place where Oracle ran on Windows (including the RAC databases) and in a matter of 6 months, he convinced them to run RAC on Linux with him being the DB and OS Administrator. The Windows guys weren't too happy about it, but he has eliminated most of the unplanned outages they were having and addressed the stability issues (not saying Windows was the issue, perhaps it was the admins or something else?).
I think it's just a matter of what's within the comfort zone of the organization.
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Robert Freeman <>wrote:
> Anyone want to jump in on their preferred platform for RAC? Personally I
> tend to lean towards Linux for stability purposes, but I'd like your
> thoughts on why you prefer either platform for RAC. Specifically why would
> you avoid windows (other than the fact that it's evil), or would you?
> RF
> Robert G. Freeman
> Master Principle Consultant, Oracle Corporation
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-- Thomas Roach 813-404-6066 -- on Mon Feb 22 2010 - 17:17:11 CST