RE: Duplicate function is a lot longer than a backup
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 13:51:59 -0500
Message-Id: <>
We have one channel configured.
Backups are on disk.
Servers are identical.
Compression is being used for the backups.
Jeffrey Beckstrom
Database Administrator
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
1240 W. 6th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
>>> "Allen, Brandon" <> 11/30/09 1:37 PM >>>
A few questions come to mind:
Are you backing up to disk or tape?
What degree of parallelism (i.e. how many concurrent channels) for both the backup and the restore/duplicate?
Is the disk or CPU significantly slower on the target server?
Are you using compression?
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-- on Mon Nov 30 2009 - 12:51:59 CST