Re: Account DB CPU vs OS CPU
From: LS Cheng <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 10:25:35 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 10:25:35 +0200
Message-ID: <>
I have do some data reasearch this weekend.
So I got these figures:
Total CPU time available for 1 hour (number of cpu * 3600): 72000 seconds
Host CPU Utilization (from dba_hist_sysmetric_summary) for 1 hour average:
Database CPU (DB CPU + RMAN cpu + background cpu time from
DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL) for 1 hour: 53419 seconds which is around 74.19%
CPU usage when databases are idle (got this figure from other idle RAC
nodes): 18%
So 74.19 + 18 we get 92.19%, quite close to 97.59%. Looks pretty good how Oracle count CPU.
-- LSC On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Tanel Poder <> wrote::Received on Mon Sep 28 2009 - 03:25:35 CDT
> Hi,
> The background processes CPU time is accounted separately from DB CPU ->
> its called "background cpu time"
> Tanel.
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Christo Kutrovsky <
>> wrote:
>> How did you measure CPU usage over the period of time ?
>> I can't tell you for sure, but here's a few thinking points.
>> - dbwriter and other background processes - are these accounted in DB CPU
>> ?
>> - LMS processes - are these accounted in DB CPU ?
>> - listener, clusterware, process initialization - those are not accounted
>> for
>> --
>> Christo Kutrovsky
>> Senior Consultant
>> The Pythian Group