RE: SQL Developer, SQL*Plus woes
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:06:30 -0400
Message-Id: <>
> From: Joey D'Antoni []
> I think the death of SQL*Plus has been greatly
> exaggerated--what Oracle client are you using--I have 10 and
> 11 and still have it.
> However, the proper way to this in both SQL*Plus and SQL
> Developer, is to go call your second script using _at_@
> notation. What the second _at_ does is direct the program to use
> the directory of the parent script, versus the local
> directory where you are running.
My apologies, it is the Windows version; sqlplusw.exe, not the cmd line version; sqlplus.exe, that is gone from 11g. After using a product for 12 years, you get a little testy when they take it away for no reason. I can get used to SQL Developer, I just need to learn how to use and then force fit it to my way of doing things.
I tried your suggestion and it seems to be working now.
many thanks,
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-- on Fri Jul 24 2009 - 15:06:30 CDT