Re: archivelog performance issues

From: Julio Aguilar-Chang <>
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2009 10:25:53 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Good point about switching. I looked at the alert log and it looks like the logs switch every 15 - 20 minutes, so they appear to be sized correctly.

Regarding storage, the entire database structure is stored locally on the server.

Andrew Kerber wrote:
> In general, there is very little noticeable impact in running
> archivelog mode unless your logs are badly undersized and the logs are
> switching every minute or so. If the logs are properly sized so that
> they switch every 15-30 minutes, there will not be a noticeable impact.
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Joey D'Antoni <
> <>> wrote:
> How is your storage arranged? In general, with a database of that
> size, I can't imagine a significant performance impact from
> running in archivelog mode, unless the storage was horribly
> misconfigured.
> Joseph D'Antoni
> Synthes USA
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Julio Aguilar-Chang <
> <>>
> *To:* Oracle-L Freelists <
> <>>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 7, 2009 12:06:33 PM
> *Subject:* archivelog performance issues
> Hello:
> What are the performance issues I should be aware of if I decide
> to enable archivelog mode on an OLTP database? I just inherited
> this database (about 40GB in size, ~200 users, ~2000 transactions
> per day), it is not in archivelog mode, and the manager who owns
> it (not well versed in Oracle) tells me that the previous DBA who
> just left did not enable archiving for database performance
> reasons. The Oracle server is an HP DL385, dual core, with 16GB
> of memory.
> Is there a good reason based on performance for not enabling
> archivelog mode?
> --
> *****************************************
> Julio Aguilar-Chang
> Geophysics Group, EES-17
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> <>
> (505) 667-1004 - work
> (505) 665-3687 - fax
> *****************************************
> --
> --
> Andrew W. Kerber
> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'


Julio Aguilar-Chang
Geophysics Group, EES-17
Los Alamos National Laboratory
(505) 667-1004 - work
(505) 665-3687 - fax

Received on Tue Jul 07 2009 - 11:25:53 CDT

Original text of this message