Re: the location of archive logs arriving from a primary database
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 17:40:37 -0600
Message-ID: <>
I belive in 10g, if you don't set standby_archive_dest it defaults to log_archive_dest_1.
I'm assuming you havent' set it and what you are seeing "?/dbs/arch" is a default parameter.
Bradd Piontek
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the greatest joy is in having someone else do a first-class job under your direction."
- William Feather
On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Xu, Roger <> wrote:
> All,
> I am a bit confused by the location of archive logs arriving from a primary
> database in a standby database.
> Oracle 10g Version -
> Primary Settings: (MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY mode)
> log_archive_dest_1: LOCATION=/upslt/server/database/archlogs
> log_archive_dest_2: SERVICE=ups60p1 LGWR SYNC AFFIRM
> standby_archive_dest: ?/dbs/arch
> Standby Settings:
> log_archive_dest_1: LOCATION=/upslt/server/database/archlogs
> log_archive_dest_2: SERVICE=ups60p0 LGWR SYNC AFFIRM
> standby_archive_dest: ?/dbs/arch
> Why the archive log arriving from the primary ends up in log_archive_dest_1
> (/upslt/server/database/archlogs in my case), not standby_archive_dest?
> I believe in 9i, it lands on standby_archive_dest.
> Thanks,
> Roger Xu
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-- on Wed Jan 21 2009 - 17:40:37 CST