RE: Rman Backup Issue
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 13:03:36 -0500
Message-ID: <ABB9D76E187C5146AB5683F5A07336FFE09698_at_EXCNYSM0A1AJ.nysemail.nyenet>
He did and it looked fine. My assumption now is that the Rman Catalog is confused (or messed up) and has co-mingled the registration of both databases into either the staging or production database.
Haven't heard back from Nag since last week so this issue may be solved.
From: David Barbour []
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 12:23 PM
To: Nagaraj S
Cc: Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR);
Subject: Re: Rman Backup Issue
Okay, I'm not a Veritas guy - we use Tivoli Storage Manager - but when i refresh our QA system, I switch the nodename on the QA database to the PRD nodename to access the backup. When I'm done, I need to switch it back. Anything like that going on here?
Also, just for grins and giggles did you select from dba_data_files as Tom suggested?
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 5:21 AM, Nagaraj S <> wrote:
Hi David Barbour,
Good Morning. Production backup completed but in production backup logs it show different filesystem
SQL> select a.db_name, a.dbinc_key, a.db_key, b.db_key, b.db_id from dbinc a, db b where a.db_key = b.db_key and b.db_id = 20152227;
GCKP 7864531 7864403 786440320152227 GCKP 7864404 7864403 786440320152227
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 12:21 AM, David Barbour
<> wrote:
Does the "production" backup complete or do you get an error?
My guess is you've got a problem in your catalog. What happens when you run this against your catalog database:
select a.db_name, a.dbinc_key, a.db_key, b.db_key, b.db_id from dbinc a, db b where a.db_key = b.db_key and b.db_id = 20152227
Check Metalink Note #419144.1
On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:49 AM, Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)
<> wrote:
Hate to ask a stupid question but what does the following query running on the production database show: Also run the same query on the QC database.
Select file_name from dba_data_files;
[] On Behalf Of Nagaraj S
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 7:25 AM
Subject: Rman Backup Issue
Hi Gurus...
Good Morning. I need help on the below issue.
I did an refresh of production data to QC database. Once the refresh gets completed i can notice Production RMAN backup using QC datafile system when it gets backued up
From the PRODUCTION RMAN log below are the information
connected to target database: GCKP (DBID=20152227)
connected to recovery catalog database
allocated channel: tape1
channel tape1: sid=1257 devtype=SBT_TAPE
channel tape1: VERITAS NetBackup for Oracle - Release 5.1 (2006110403)
sent command to channel: tape1
allocated channel: tape2
channel tape2: sid=2689 devtype=SBT_TAPE
channel tape2: VERITAS NetBackup for Oracle - Release 5.1 (2006110403)
sent command to channel: tape2
Starting backup at 31-DEC-08
channel tape1: starting incremental level 0 datafile backupset
channel tape1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
input datafile fno=00068
input datafile fno=00101
input datafile fno=00093
But /DATA/QC/ORACLE/datafiles/data13/ filesystem were present on QC Server not on production server. Please guide me if am wrong any were.
-- on Mon Jan 05 2009 - 12:03:36 CST