From: <>
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 09:19:30 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Jared, Mark for your replies. We are investigating an increase in CPU usage with no apparent change in execution plans. The analyst on the SR (and Tim Hopkins from this list) came back saying that these objects will experience high logical reads while making heavy use of user defined datatypes, which we do. As per the analyst, this is nothing to be concerned about, especially under heavy load. So, this line of investigation is off the table for now. Will dig into it later, but will be interested in any observations from this team.


"Jared Still" <>
11/05/2008 05:40 PM


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 6:33 AM, <> wrote:

On one of our databases (3 node RAC on Solaris 10), I see that indexes on the above 2 objects belonging to sys consume about 15% of the logical reads that happen, and are the top 2 segments experiencing the most logical reads. Can someone shed light on what these objects are?

As per ML Note 175982.1 I would suspect it has something to do with objects used in the data dictionary. You may have noticed there is a corresponding type for each table.

You'll probably need to open an SR to pursue this further:

select * from kottd$

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-30732: table contains no user-visible columns

ORA-30732: table contains no user-visible columns Cause: An attempt was made to query on a system table which has no user-visible columns.
Action: Do not query on a system table that has no user-visible columns.

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

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Received on Thu Nov 06 2008 - 08:19:30 CST

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