Re: CRS problems
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:03:52 +0200
Message-ID: <>
2008/9/16 Martin Bach <>
> Dear all,
> I've got a playground RAC Linux 32bit installation running on
> RHEL5.0 over Oracle VM.
> This worked nicely when I initially installed it for 2 nodes. I then wanted
> to play around some more and add a third node to the cluster.
> worked fine for clusterware, it copied the sofwtare and prompted me to run
> the various scripts as root and so far so good. However, it failed to start
> the ONS resource on the 3rd (= new) node.
> 3 minutes later the whole 3rd node came tumbling down on me with core dumps
> filling up all of my partition containing $CRS_HOME up to 100%, a point
> where each daemon (crsd, cssd, evmd, ons) simply dies. I recon there is
> something wrong with the ONS configuration (onsctl ping only lists 2 nodes,
> no mention of the 3rd).
> It's not a problem caused by either iptables or selinux, both are disabled.
> Has anybody tried adding in new members to the cluster yet in 11g?
> Thanks for all input,
> Martin
> --
To be sure, you can extract the installed packages from one of the running nodes and from the failing one
rpm -qa | sort > /tmp/installed.rpms ( for example )
and compare both files to see if you have the same software. Core dumps in this case smells a failing libraries ( the new node is the same architecture ? )
only an idea
-- on Wed Sep 17 2008 - 04:03:52 CDT