RE: 12G Desupport for Raw Devices
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2008 14:20:24 +0800
Message-Id: <>
I have only just begun "playing" with ASM now ! I have had no issues with both filesystems and raw on a large number of platforms. Most responses/references seem to from a Linux perspective (and OCFS was [is still ?] available only on Linux, with ASM uptake also beginning on Linux) -- eg that RedHat and flavours will be "desupporting" Raw.
The fact could well be that there are "no Linux, no OCFS, no ASM" datacentres still operating happily running Oracle databases.
At 11:49 PM Friday, Bobak, Mark wrote:
>We were historically a shop that used raw, almost everywhere, going
>back to at least 7.0 days. We have begun moving towards ASM, as we
>move to 10g/11g, but we still have much raw, mostly on 9iR2
>databases, and even a couple of 8.1.7 stragglers.....
>Mark J. Bobak
>Senior Database Administrator, System & Product Technologies
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Greg Rahn
>Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 5:14 AM
>To: ORACLE-L Freelists
>Subject: Re: 12G Desupport for Raw Devices
>Generally before something is deprecated, an alternative is
>introduced. My guess is that 11gR2 will provide something.
>Do many people use raw devices for data files? e.g. data file is
>actually a raw volume
>Most of the customers that I have worked with have moved from raw to ASM.
>Greg Rahn
Hemant K Chitale
-- on Sat Aug 09 2008 - 01:20:24 CDT