differences in v$OSSSTAT based on OS
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 15:42:28 +0200
Message-ID: <20080625134228.137020@gmx.net>
Hello Listers,
I have noticed that v$OSSSTAT is giving me very different set od statistics depending on the OS where it is issued (HPUX 11.11 und Suse Linux 9.3 in this case):
The results :
1) On Linux
select * from V$osstat ;
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
NUM_CPUS 16 0 IDLE_TIME 1167934008 1 BUSY_TIME 79554670 2 USER_TIME 59414548 3 SYS_TIME 14861968 4 IOWAIT_TIME 2908619 5 NICE_TIME 17964 6 RSRC_MGR_CPU_WAIT_TIME 0 14 LOAD 3.44921875 15 NUM_CPU_SOCKETS 4 17 PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES 31821768 1008
2) On HPUX
select * from V$osstat ;
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
NUM_CPUS 16 0 IDLE_TIME 779115767 1 BUSY_TIME 63454316 2 USER_TIME 40541593 3 SYS_TIME 22912723 4 IOWAIT_TIME 47127545 5 AVG_IDLE_TIME 48679516 7 AVG_BUSY_TIME 3950719 8 AVG_USER_TIME 2518658 9 AVG_SYS_TIME 1416836 10 AVG_IOWAIT_TIME 2930331 11 OS_CPU_WAIT_TIME 4.2290E+12 13 RSRC_MGR_CPU_WAIT_TIME 0 14 LOAD .155273438 15 PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES 6.8683E+10 1008 VM_IN_BYTES 939913216 1009 VM_OUT_BYTES 0 1010
I am especially interested in OS_CPU_WAIT_TIME and AVG_IOWAIT_TIME, but I don' find them on Linux ! Is this an expected behavour or it is an configuration issue (both databases are and are smilarly configured). The official documentation doesn't mention anything about OS dependencies: http://youngcow.net/doc/oracle10g/server.102/b14237/dynviews_2010.htm#G2030321
Am I missing something ?
I would appreciate any further information, links, mail postings etc.
Kind Regards. Milen
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Received on Wed Jun 25 2008 - 08:42:28 CDT