Re: EM Grid Control does not remove some targets
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 17:26:16 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Check out the options available through the mgmt_admin supplied packages.
Look at Metalink Note #454081.1. It's a starting place, not the answer to
your particular problem. It does show most of the components you may need
to look at including the repository and possibly several .xml files on
either or both the Grid Control server and RAC node.
Had a similar issue with an 'orphaned' target after a DB Upgrade. Going through the GUI was not the answer.
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 5:59 AM, Martin Klier <> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I am running Enterprise manager Grid Control for Linux x86 in version
> Now I tried to remove some RAC related targets, that have been in
> unlimited blackout for several weeks, and removed the servers from our
> racks. But I simply cannot remove the last services.
> Removal of DB instances and ASM and listeners etc. worked well, finally
> I managed to remove one host and its agent, too. All of them has been in
> blackout, too.
> But the catch is, that the CLUSTER entity (not the cluster database!)
> accepts every removel attempt without complaints ("removal job
> submitted"), but in nearly two weeks and endless retries it simply does
> not vanish. Thus, I cannot remove the host holding the cluster, and
> thus, the host cannot be removed as well.
> What can I do, try or look for? Thanks in advance!
> Martin Klier
> --
> Usn's IT Blog for Linux, Oracle, Asterisk
> --
-- on Fri Jun 20 2008 - 16:26:16 CDT