Re: DataGuard Standby Database usage
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 17:20:57 +0100
Message-ID: <>
We have the same problem our standby takes abour 12 hours to build and when
opened for a test thats it - its not a standby any more
so sucessful test then destroy it to build another untested one. Flashback
standby anyone?
2008/5/30 Joerg Jost <>:
> Am Freitag, den 30.05.2008, 06:51 -0400 schrieb Terrian, Thomas J Mr CTR
> > Oracle 10g, HPUX, Physical DataGuard, RMAN backups of Primary and
> > Standby.
> >
> > What would be the best way to test our DataGuarded copy if we want to
> > start it up and applying changes to it? We don't want those changes to
> > come back to the primary.
> >
> > Can we start it up as a regular database but then when we are done use
> > our RMAN backup of it to restore it to the point were it was still a
> > standby database? Will the primary database have any problems with
> > this?
> >
> > Anyone done anything like this before?
> Hi Tom,
> if we open a standby database for writing, we build afterwards a
> complete new standby database. Using rman we can do it anytime, even
> during working hours, so we don't try anything spezial.
> hth
> Jörg
> --
-- Howard A. Latham -- on Fri May 30 2008 - 11:20:57 CDT