RE: diagnosing db link errors

From: Powell, Mark D <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 11:41:11 -0400
Message-ID: <>

I agree in that just because you can ping a remote destination IP does not mean that you cannot have a network (firewall) issue. The ping could be allowed through but the port used to reach the listener or that the listener assigns for use by your session may be blocked.  

If tnsping worked yesterday but not today then a change has occurred on one side or the other. If you can verify no change to the client the the change is at the target.

  • Mark D Powell -- Phone (313) 592-5148

[] On Behalf Of Andrew Kerber

	Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 8:58 AM
	Subject: Re: diagnosing db link errors
	It does sound like network troubles,  I have seen firewalls
create this kind of problem also. If you are confident of your local client, then the problem is that the destination listener isnt available, for whatever reason, be it not started, new firewall installed, network down, or server down,                  

        On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 7:43 AM, <> wrote:         

                can u ping the server?(making an assumption here that they allow ping), if that works, its not a network issue.                 

                I have seen that error when implementing IP address allow/deny parm in protocol.ora (now in sqlnet.ora).                                  

                Thanks, Joe                 

		You can have it: Fast, Right or Cheap, pick 2 of the 3.
		Fast + Right is Expensive
		Fast + Cheap will be incorrect.
		Right + Cheap will take a while. 

"Rick Ricky" <>

Sent by:

05/30/2008 08:36 AM
Please respond to From
"Rick Ricky" <>


diagnosing db link errors                 

                Yesterday I have no problem using a database link. Today I am getting tns errors. I have no access to the DB server (its owned by a different vendor). I have to go through channels to contact them. Is there anything I can do to diagnose whether its a network issue or the database/server is down. This is the oracle error I got.                 

		ERROR at line 1: 
		ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error 
		tried tnsping and I could not reach the box. I don't
have alot to go on, but I don't want to sit around and wait for a response.                                                   
	Andrew W. Kerber
	'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.' 

Received on Fri May 30 2008 - 10:41:11 CDT

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