RE: Listener dead
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 10:22:22 +0100
Message-ID: <D9683479394D2E42A216141DAF6F247A0823DEA6@EMERALD.channel4.local>
Note 284602.1 on Metalink covers this - it is a port conflict between
notification servers - had the same problem on Solaris since 10.1.
Either move the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/ons.config out of the way, or add the SUBSCRIBE_FOR_NODE_DOWN_EVENT_<listener_name>=OFF option to your listener.ora and then restart the listener.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ingrid Voigt
Sent: 21 May 2008 15:39
Subject: Re: Listener dead
is there a known reason for the creation of the second listener process? We've had this happen on HP-UX, too.
Niall Litchfield wrote:
> I've not seen that on windows, but several times on linux. A new > listener process was being created and so two processes were listening > on the same port. process explorer should show if this is happening on > windows. netstat will tell you if something else has the port. > > On 21/05/2008, Yechiel Adar <> wrote:
>> Oracle 9205 on windows server 2000, SP 4.
>> In the last 2 days the listener was dead twice.
>> No messages in the listener.log, no nothing.
>> Lsnrctl also failed to stop the listener.
>> I had to restart the service to get the listener to restart.
>> I opened a TAR, but I thought to ask your advice.
>> --
>> Adar Yechiel
>> Rechovot, Israel
>> --
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