RE: Automatic Storage Management (ASM) - Survey
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 10:29:54 -0700
Message-ID: <003a01c87faf$b25e54b0$6501a8c0@BHAIRAVIPC01>
- Do you use ASM? YES
Complete the following when you say YES to the above question:
2. Which OS - SOLARIS 3. Do you use ASM for a single instance? NO but considered using it for VLDB 4. Have you ever performed the migration? YES 5. Which redundancy option have you used? External 6. Do you think the Oracle document about ASM is sufficient enough? Yes anda lot of articles and while papers in technet and by Vendors 7. Do you think a seaprate ASM administratore is required to manage ASM instance? Typically not
8. Do you think ASM is very much stable? YES 9. Do you recommend ASM? YES
10. Do you think managing ASM is very easy? YES
One aspect missing above is Flexibility/Versatility: For example, I have moved data between storage types using ASM, online. I suppose you could do that with File Systems as well (example Veritas mirrored plexes), but nevertheless, a nice feature.
I had written in an email thread on this topic a while ago. The biggest shift is that part of storage administration (volume/fs management) moves from SA to DBA to that extent it requires the DBA, SA, and Storage Admin (if one is present) to work together.
Krish Hariharan
President/Executive Architect, Quasar Database Technologies, LLC
From: []
On Behalf Of Syed Jaffar Hussain
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 8:07 AM
To: oracle-l
Subject: Automatic Storage Management (ASM) - Survey
Few days back, I have borrowed the latest "Oracle Automatic Storage Management" book to read during the week-end and thought of writing review about ASM book. I did write previous about this book at my blog: ml
I am not going discuss the book review, rather, would like to share the following intresting point from the book.
On Chapter 12 - "From Discussion to Deployment" authors have made following interesting points:
- Why System Administrators Freak Out over ASM
- Why Vendors of Storage and Volume Managers Dislike ASM
- ASM - What's in it for the Budiness
- What DBAs Need to know before Talking to System Administrators about ASM
- Peer Politics
It was indeed very interesting reading to know how now DBAs are going to face with System Administrators in order to convince them to use ASM instead of the typical filesystem or etc.
I initially thought of conducting a survey about ASM on my blogspot. Unfotunately, either I don't know how to do it or no facility is provided by the blogspot for a survey page.
Following points I would like to ask to the Oracle DBAs:
- Do you use ASM? (YES/NO)
Complete the following when you say YES to the above question:
2. Which OS - (AIX, SOLARIS, LINUX & Windows) 3. Do you use ASM for a single instance? (YES / NO) 4. Have you ever performed the migration? non-ASM to ASM? (YES/NO). 5. Which redundancy option have you used? (External / Normal / High) 6. Do you think the Oracle document about ASM is sufficient enough?(Sufficient / Bad / Okay)
7. Do you think a seaprate ASM administratore is required to manage ASM instance? (YES/NO)
8. Do you think ASM is very much stable? (YES/NO/CAN'T SAY) 9. Do you recommend ASM? (YES/NO)
10. Do you think managing ASM is very easy? (YES/NO).
Appreciate if you can throw sme inputs from your experience.
-- Best Regards, Syed Jaffar Hussain Oracle ACE 8i,9i & 10g OCP DBA RAC Certified Expert Official Oracle RAC SIG Representative for Saudi Arabian region ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ "Winners don't do different things. They do things differently." -- on Thu Mar 06 2008 - 11:29:54 CST