High "log file sync" Waits in Statspack, - Online Redo Logs on Mounted File system of SAN Storage
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:31:38 +0530
Message-ID: <69E1360E54B50C4A828A136C158E4742036A707678@BLRKECMBX02.ad.infosys.com>
During a Benchmark Run of OLTP Transactions very High "log file sync" wait is occuring (Statspack info below)
Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait Call Event Waits Time (s) (ms) Time ----------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ------ ------ log file sync 2,208,357 164,021 74 59.4
CPU usage on DB Server is only 50 % - %sys = 30 %, % usr = 20 %
Thus CPUs are not Choking & hopefully not cauing "log file sync wait"
To identify if the cause of "log file sync" is an IO or CPU bottleneck, truss command was issued on LGWR to find the O.S. function call taking the Longest Time
$ truss -fdD -rall -wall -o truss_lgwr1.log -p <PID of ora_lgwr_$SID>
Shows the Longest wait on the following 2 Function Calls:-
12549/13: 3.2242 3.1328 kaio(AIONOTIFY, 0) = 0 12549/1: 1.6162 1.4777 kaio(AIOWAIT, 0xFFFFFFFF7FFFD860) = 1
Qs Does this output mean that it is an KAIO issue?What corrective action is advisable? NOTE - In init$SID.ora, disk_async_io=TRUE
# adb -k
physmem 2584cbf
maxphys: 131072
vol_maxio/D vol_maxio: vol_maxio: 2048
Qs On the Storage Box, should a few of its HBA Controllers & respective Ports be assigned dedicatedly only to the online Redo LUN / Volume? Qs Should Online Redo Logiles be moved to RAW Devices on the SAN Storage? Qs Any advisable init.ora parameters to set e.g. _log_parallelism=4, _log_simultaneous_copies=256? Qs Should LGWR process be set to a Higher CPU priority(using renice) since 60% of the CPU power is FREE/Unused?
Will share Statspack, truss Outputs as needed
Cheers & Thanks
NOTE - cpu_count=80
Storage Box - Sun StoreEdge 9990V (Hitachi SAN)
Online Redo logfiles exist separately on a Mounted Filesystem with an underlying LUN / Volume of 4+4 Hard Disks , (RAID 1+0 Type)
Storage Cache - 160 GB
Online Redo Logfile size 750 MB
log_buffer= 5M
Solaris 10
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