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The Boers faltered, gave back, and the next moment fled precipitately,
while the exhausted survivors of the courageous band fell sobbing into the
arms of their rescuers
Oranjestad, Aruba, po b
The advisors of the Princess did not like this test; but she commanded
them to step into the flame and one by one they did so, and were scorched so
badly that the air was soon filled with an odor like that of baked
Some of the Mangaboos fell down and had to be dragged from the
fire, and all were so withered that it would be necessary to plant them at
once Rob closed the lid of the Record with a sudden snap that betrayed his
deep feeling, and the king pretended to cough behind his handkerchief and
stealthily wiped his eyes
'Twasn't so bad, after all, remarked the boy, with assumed cheerfulness;
but it looked mighty ticklish for your men at one timem13
Received on Wed Jun 14 2006 - 05:03:42 CDT