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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> SV: High disk capacity dangers
In my shop we have 40 databases on HP-UX. I have dedicated file systems for the Oracle databases. I see no problem in filling them 99 %, as long as no datafiles are running in AUTOEXTEND mode.
I usually reserve a little space for the control files to grow. Yes I want them to grow, because I have set CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME = 30 in order to keep information about RMAN-backup in the control file for one month, if I should be unlucky and loose my recovery catalog.
Many years ago I had a case on Digital Unix/SAP R3 with tar making sparse files when restoring datafiles from tape. It was dangerous, when the datafiles started to grow physically as new blocks were formatted, but it is quite another story.
Jesper Norrevang
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Fra: [] På
vegne af Fred Smith
Sendt: 6. juni 2006 14:05
Emne: High disk capacity dangers
Just wanted to run this by everyone here, I have a database on HP-UX. Some of my read only tablespaces are on a physical disk that I keep at about 99% capacity (it's not going to grow obviously, it's read-only). The new Unix SA is saying that it's unacceptable and dangerous to keep a disk at 98,99, or 100% capacity. I always thought it could be even at 100% capacity without any problems.
Is there any reason that anyone knows of as to why a disk should not be at 99% or 100% capacity?
Thank you!
Received on Tue Jun 06 2006 - 08:25:11 CDT
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