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On 10/25/05, raja rao <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> can someone give me a better code for the below:
> ...
> For this purpose, we have develped the code like this.
> we will collect the acct# numbers into a flat file (filename is list) and
> for each line will fire theupdate statement like below.
> cat list|while read line
> do
> sqlplus -s <<EOF
> ${connect_string}
> @update.sql ${line}
> done
> # list is a file which contains the acct# to be updated into main table.
> update.sql contains teh below code:
This is a fairly inefficient method.
If you are using Oracle 9i+, then you can use external tables, bulk binds
Below the sig is a prototype to test with. Modify as needed for your system,
and read
the docs on this for options you may need.
-- Jared Still Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist # Create a directory in the database - the filesystem directory must exist. SQL> create or replace directory forall_dir as '/u02/oradir' / # create a text file for testing $> ls -1 ~/tmp >| /u02/oradir/loadtest.txt # create an external table and a test table drop table loadtest; create table loadtest( filename varchar2(50) ) organization external ( type oracle_loader default directory forall_dir access parameters ( records delimited by newline badfile 'loadtest.bad' discardfile 'loadtest.dis' logfile 'loadtest.log' fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' ( filename char ) ) location ('loadtest.txt') ) reject limit unlimited / drop table newfiles; create table newfiles ( filename varchar2(50), date_added date ) / create index newfiles_fname on newfiles(filename); # load the table, then update it declare type t_type is table of varchar2(50) index by binary_integer; v_file_table t_type; i integer; v_now date := sysdate; begin -- get the filenames from the file select filename bulk collect into v_file_table from loadtest; -- insert into table forall i in 1..v_file_table.count insert into newfiles(filename) values(v_file_table(i)); -- use an update to set the date added forall i in 1..v_file_table.count update newfiles set date_added = v_now where filename = v_file_table(i); commit; end; / -- on Tue Oct 25 2005 - 13:45:42 CDT