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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: ** converting and displaying raw data
You can spy on the java-based OEM console. It is quite hard work to get the results, you have to get _every_argument of _every_ call. Here's how OEM does it: declare
atype integer;
csform number; arg_no number; callno number;
arg_no := 31; callno := '0'; tid := '9.13.61761'; atype := dbms_defer_query.get_arg_type(callno, arg_no, tid); csform := dbms_defer_query.get_arg_form(callno, arg_no, tid); if atype = 2 then outval := to_char(dbms_defer_query.get_number_arg(callno, arg_no,tid));
elsif atype = 96 and csform = 1 then
outval := dbms_defer_query.get_char_arg(callno, arg_no, tid);
elsif atype = 96 and csform = 2 then
outval := translate(dbms_defer_query.get_nchar_arg(callno, arg_no,
tid) using CHAR_CS);
elsif atype = 1 and csform = 1 then
outval := dbms_defer_query.get_varchar2_arg(callno, arg_no, tid);
elsif atype = 1 and csform = 2 then
outval := translate(dbms_defer_query.get_nvarchar2_arg(callno, arg_no,
tid) using CHAR_CS);
elsif atype = 12 then
outval := to_char(dbms_defer_query.get_date_arg(callno, arg_no, tid),
elsif atype = 23 then
outval := rawtohex(dbms_defer_query.get_raw_arg(callno, arg_no, tid));
elsif atype = 11 then
outval := dbms_defer_query.get_rowid_arg(callno, arg_no, tid);
outval := '-Binary Value-'; -- RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;
Before this some querying is done to see what columns stays behind every
arg_no. First it gets the table involved in this specific callno for this
SELECT argcount, schemaname, packagename, procname FROM defcall WHERE
callno = '0' and deferred_tran_id = '8.9.47423';
And this gives you which column hides behind every arg_no (POS): SELECT cname, ctype FROM dba_repcolumn WHERE sname = 'PROD' AND oname = 'PORCONTACTS' AND type IN
('TABLE', 'SNAPSHOT') AND ID IS NOT NULL ORDER BY POS; I hope this helps you in your case.
Rgds, Yavor
On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 20:33:58 +0300, A Joshi <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a way to convert and display data with datatype raw.
> I do find a rawtohex function but that is not very helpful. Specifically
> I am looking for a way to print the first argument for Advanaced
> replication entries got using DBMS_DEFER_QUERY. This is of type raw and
> has the columns updated. Thanks
> ---------------------------------
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