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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: brutally simple question - number of triggers on a table
In your example below, you would need to have one of these procedures for every trigger in the database. This would get complicated and difficult to maintain. I can see many ways to do it, a single package for all triggers, a package for each trigger, a single piece of code with a string passed in for the trigger name where you could check based on that string. Each of these has problems to work around, but they are not impossible to do.
Triggers do have some benefits especially database login triggers, and auditing of DML, but most of these things are not application events, and therefore could not be put into a common code base.
I guess my point was if you have the luxury to design an application, design it without the triggers and your life becomes easier. If you don't have that luxury, and your environment is such that you don't have a common code base, then you may be forced to use triggers to solve a particular problem. I would hesitate to use them instead of changing the application, and would try to come up with alternate solutions, but at the end of the day the functionality is there for a reason. I just think many people abuse them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jared Still []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 10:27 AM
To: Looney, Jason
Cc:; Oracle-L
Subject: Re: brutally simple question - number of triggers on a table
On 4/21/05, Looney, Jason < <> > wrote:
It depends on your requirements. I have always felt that if you have an environment, where you need to have high availability, then triggers are not for you. The fact is that when you modify a trigger or need to disable the trigger for mass updates it requires a downtime for the entire application.
Not necessarily.
drop table trg_test_tbl;
drop sequence trg_test_seq;
create sequence trg_test_seq
start with 1
create table trg_test_tbl (
pk number(12) not null,
first_name varchar2(30) not null,
last_name varchar2(30) not null
create or replace package trg_test_pkg
current_pk number(12);
ignore_trigger boolean := false;
create or replace trigger trg_test_trg
before insert on trg_test_tbl
for each row
if trg_test_pkg.ignore_trigger then
dbms_output.put_line('trigger ignored'); else
select trg_test_seq.nextval into trg_test_pkg.current_pk from dual; := trg_test_pkg.current_pk;end if;
insert into trg_test_tbl(first_name, last_name) values('homer','simpson');
exec trg_test_pkg.ignore_trigger := true
insert into trg_test_tbl(pk,first_name, last_name) values(10,'marge','simpson');
10:26:07 SQL>insert into trg_test_tbl(first_name, last_name) values('homer','simpson');
1 row created.
10:26:07 SQL>
10:26:07 SQL>exec trg_test_pkg.ignore_trigger := true
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
10:26:07 SQL>
10:26:07 SQL>insert into trg_test_tbl(pk,first_name, last_name)
trigger ignored
1 row created.
10:26:07 SQL>
10:26:07 SQL>select * from trg_test_tbl;
PK FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 1 homer simpson 10 marge simpson
2 rows selected.
10:26:20 SQL>
-- Jared Still Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist -- on Fri Apr 22 2005 - 12:58:16 CDT
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