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RE: Question re range partioning tables

From: Hostetter, Jay M <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 09:42:33 -0500
Message-ID: <>


We have a table that has 500 million records, partitioned by month. Each partition has around 40 million records. The queries are surprisingly quick - a record for a specific day is returned in just a few seconds. =20
In your case, you should be able to get adequate performance without partitioning by day. If you don't have any space issues, partition by month and keep 4 partitions on-line (3 partitions would only leave you with 2 months of data when you are doing your maintenance). I've never had users complain that I'm keeping records too long, so if you have the space, only do the maintenance once a month.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John Dunn Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 9:28 AM To: 'Ron Rogers'; Subject: RE: Question re range partioning tables

My table has a date value. For each date there will be approx 250000 rows.
I was planning to have a partition per day, since data will be deleted for a specfic day.
3 months worth of data would be held, e.g approx 90 partitions. Is this sensible or is that too many partitions?

My question was whether I need to explictly create a partition for each day, since obvioulsy I do not want to do this upfront.

Is it the case that I will need to run alter table add partition every day to add the new partition.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Rogers [] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 1:45 PM To:; Subject: Re: Question re range partioning tables

 The use of a date field as the partitioning column is a good choice if the amount of the data is about the same for each date range and the majority of the queries are date related. when you create a table you have to specify the date range for each partition and allow for values greater than the last partitioned date range.
I have many table that are partitioned by year and also a table_max_value partition for each table. The table_max_value allows an area for the data to be stired if the date is greater than the current year.
Each year end after checking that there is no data in the table_max_value partition I drop the table_max_value partition and create a new_next_year partitoin with the appropriate date value and then recreate the table_max_value partition. The active yearly tables are approx 3 Gig and the max_value partition is 4 Meg. All tables are LMT. It makes the table and data management easier with partitioned tables.

>>> "John Dunn" <> 01/19/2005 8:31:57 AM >>>
I have a table which has a date column I would like to use for range partitioning.
However, looking at the documentation examples it appears necessary to specify specific ranges when creating the table


PARTITION part1 VALUES LESS THAN TO_DATE (01-APR-1994, DD-MON-YYYY), PARTITION part1 VALUES GREATER THAN TO_DATE (01-APR-1994, DD-MON-YYYY), Is it always necessary to provide specific range values? What happens at time moves on. Is it necessary to repartition the table to add new time periods?
Or is it possible to specify ranges relative to SYSDATE e.g SYSDATE - 30, SYSDATE - 60 etc John



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Received on Wed Jan 19 2005 - 10:20:04 CST

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