I found this once but can't seem to find the full details at the moment. This will help though (Solaris8):
kill -l # lists all kill signal names
kill -l KILL # lists numeric equivalent for signal name KILL
and then if you wish to obsess on the subject:
for x in $(kill -l)
print $x $(kill -l $x)
Kevin Kennedy
First Point Energy Corporation
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:41 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I was wondering where a list of kill signals (kill -1,
kill -9 etc) can be found.
I've always used kill -9 but I'd rather try something
less drastic first, even though I've never run into
problems using kill -9 pid before. man pages don't
seem to list the signals (Solaris 7).
(hmmm....can you say mutating thread...)
- Jared.Still_at_radisys.com wrote:
> Because 'kill' and 'kill -15' don't seem to work
> consistently.
> kill -9 says 'kill with extreme prejudice, take no
> prisoners!', whereas
> your garden variety kill allows a process to call
> for a priest, eat a last
> meal and smoke a cigarette, all of which take too
> much time.
> Jared
> <prakash_bala_at_non.hp.com>
> Sent by: root_at_fatcity.com
> 07/16/2002 09:23 AM
> Please respond to ORACLE-L
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> <ORACLE-L_at_fatcity.com>
> cc:
> Subject: RE: How do I check whether a
> rollback activity is going on
> Jared, I always kill the Oracle session first. So
> could you elaborate why
> you use 'kill -9'.
> Prakash
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 8:38 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> It could be that pmon is rolling back the
> transaction.
> It could also be that pmon is never going to clean
> it up, which sometimes
> happens when killing an active transaction.
> I am a strong advocate of using 'orakill' on
> NT/Win2k and 'kill -9' on
> Unix to kill the process, rather than killing the
> session in Oracle.
> If your session has still not been cleaned up,
> you'll understand my
> position, as you will now have to bounce your
> database.
> Check to see if the session is holding a lock, if
> so, and an unreasonable
> amount of time has passed for pmon to do its
> cleanup, then you likely
> need to bounce the database.
> Jared
> Gurelei <gurelei_at_yahoo.com>
> Sent by: root_at_fatcity.com
> 07/15/2002 02:39 PM
> Please respond to ORACLE-L
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> <ORACLE-L_at_fatcity.com>
> cc:
> Subject: How do I check whether a
> rollback activity is
> going
> on
> Hi.
> Here is my situation. I have killed an ORacle
> transaction. Oracle came back with "session marked
> for
> kill" and the status of the session is now "Killed".
> I presume that the reason is that Oracle needs to
> roll
> back the changes made. Can I confirm whether this is
> indeed the case via some system tables?
> thakns
> gene
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> Author:
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Received on Tue Jul 16 2002 - 14:23:35 CDT