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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RMAN DB startup/shutdown scripts
Hi Gurus,
Trying to automate cold backup of DB using rman/veritas.
My DB shutdown/startup procedures in the *.sh script are broken.
Below is the script and corresponding log.
P'se advice on any breakages -thanking you all.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Put output in <this file name>.out. Change as desired.
# Note: output directory requires write permission.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You may want to delete the output file so that backup information does
# not accumulate. If not, delete the following lines.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ -f "$OUTF" ]
rm -f "$OUTF"
{ # output block
echo "`date` ----------------Beginning of Script------------"echo "Script name: $0"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replace /db/oracle/product/8.0.5, below, with the Oracle home path.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replace ORA805, below, with the Oracle SID of the target database.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replace ora805, below, with the Oracle DBA user id (account).
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replace ${ORACLE_HOME}/scripts with the NetBackup Oracle script path.
# Since subsequent installs or deinstalls will remove this file, you will
# want to move this script from its installed location before making updates.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the Oracle Server Manager name.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the Oracle Recovery Manager name.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print out the value of the variables set by this script.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "RMAN: $RMAN" echo "SQLPLUS: $SQLPLUS" echo "ORACLE_SID: $ORACLE_SID" echo "ORACLE_USER: $ORACLE_USER" echo "ORACLE_HOME: $ORACLE_HOME" echo "NB_ORA_SCRIPTS: $NB_ORA_SCRIPTS"# Print out the value of the variables set by bphdb.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "NB_ORA_FULL: $NB_ORA_FULL" echo "NB_ORA_INCR: $NB_ORA_INCR" echo "NB_ORA_CINC: $NB_ORA_CINC" echo "NB_ORA_SERV: $NB_ORA_SERV" echo "NB_ORA_CLASS: $NB_ORA_CLASS" echo "NB_ORA_PC_SCHED: $NB_ORA_PC_SCHED" echo "NB_ORA_SCHEDULED: $NB_ORA_SCHEDULED" echo "NB_ORA_USER_INITIATED: $NB_ORA_USER_INITIATED"# Call Server Manager to shutdown the target database in immediate priority.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "% ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$SQLPLUS" echo "connect internal" echo "shutdown immediate" echo "exit"
su -f $ORACLE_USER -c "
. /ops/setenv demo
${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$SQLPLUS '/as sysdba' <<!
shutdown immediate
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Startup the database in case it had crashed or was not shutdown cleanly
# prior to starting this script. This will perform a crash recover if
# it is needed. Use the RESTRICT option because we are going to shutdown
# again right away and we don't want to let users in during the short
# interval. The default init<SID>.ora file will be used by startup. If it was
# moved or the name was changed use the pfile= option on the startup command.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "% ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$SQLPLUS" echo "connect internal" echo "startup restrict open" echo "shutdown immediate" echo "exit"
#su -f $ORACLE_USER -c "
#. /ops/setenv demo
#export ORACLE_SID
#${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$SQLPLUS '/as sysdba' <<!
##startup pfile='${ORACLE_HOME}/admin/rmandb/pfile/initrmandb.ora' restrict
#startup pfile='${ORACLE_HOME}/admin/demo/pfile/initdemo1.ora' restrict open
#shutdown immediate
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now we know that the database is cleanly closed and is ready for a
# cold backup. RMAN requires that the database be started and mounted
# to perform a backup.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "% ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$SQLPLUS" echo "connect internal" echo "startup mount" echo "exit"
su -f $ORACLE_USER -c "
. /ops/setenv demo
${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$SQLPLUS '/as sysdba' <<!
startup mount pfile='${ORACLE_HOME}/admin/demo/pfile/initdemo1.ora'
if [ "$NB_ORA_INCR" = "1" ]
echo "cold database differential incremental backup requested"
elif [ "$NB_ORA_CINC" = "1" ]
echo "cold database cumulative incremental backup requested" CMDFILE=${NB_ORA_SCRIPTS}/cold_database_backup_level1_cumulative.rcv else # default echo "cold database backup requested (incremental level 0)" CMDFILE=${NB_ORA_SCRIPTS}/cold_rmandb_backup_level0.rcvfi
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Call Recovery Manager to initiate the backup. This example does not use a
# Recovery Catalog. If you chose to use one, remove the option, nocatalog,
# from the rman command line below and add a 'connect rcvcat' statement to
# the corresponding command file ($CMDFILE). An alternative to putting the
# connect statements in the command file would be to add them to the rman
# command line.
# Note: Any environment variables needed at run time by RMAN or $CMDFILE
# must be set and exported within the switch user (su) command.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "% ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$RMAN nocatalog cmdfile '$CMDFILE'"
su -f $ORACLE_USER -c "
. /ops/setenv demo
#${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$RMAN catalog 'rman_db1/rman_db1_at_testdb' cmdfile
${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/$RMAN nocatalog cmdfile "$CMDFILE"
echo "`date` ----------------End of Script------------------"echo
} >> $OUTF
Wed Jul 3 15:54:33 EAT 2002 ----------------Beginning of Script------------Script name: ./
RMAN: rman
SQLPLUS: sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jul 3 15:54:33 2002
(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Compaq Tru64 UNIX Error: 2: No such file or directory
SQL> Disconnected
% /ops/product/817/bin/sqlplus
connect internal
startup restrict open
shutdown immediate
% /ops/product/817/bin/sqlplus
connect internal
startup mount
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jul 3 15:54:34 2002
(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 216716260 bytes
Fixed Size 103396 bytes Variable Size 114589696 bytes Database Buffers 101842944 bytes Redo Buffers 180224 bytes
SQL> Disconnected
cold database backup requested (incremental level 0)
% /ops/product/817/bin/rman nocatalog cmdfile '/usr/scripts/rman/cold_rmandb_backup_level0.rcv'
Recovery Manager: Release - Production
RMAN> # $Header: cold_database_backup_level0.rcv,v 1.5 2000/02/17 21:39:45 integ Exp $
2> # 3> #bcpyrght 4>5> #* $VRTScprght: Copyright 1993 - 2000 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved $ *
7> #ecpyrght 8> # 9> # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10> # cold_rmandb_backup_level0.rcv
12> # 13> # Backs up the whole database. This backup is part of the incremental 14> # strategy (this means it can have incremental backups of levels > 0 15> # applied to it). 16> # 17> # We do not need to explicitly request the control file to be included 18> # in this backup, as it is automatically included each time file 1 of 19> # the system tablespace is backed up (the inference: as it is a whole 20> # database backup, file 1 of the system tablespace will be backed up, 21> # hence the controlfile will also be included automatically). 22> # 23> # Typically, a level 0 backup would be done at least once a week. 24> # 25> # The scenario assumes: 26> # o you want to perform a level 0 backup 27> # o you are backing your database up to two tape drives 28> # o you want each backup set to include a maximum of 5 files 29> # o you wish to include offline datafiles, and read-only tablespaces, 30> # in the backup 31> # o you want the backup to terminate if any files are not 32> # accessible 33> # o you want to open the database after the backup completes 34> # o you are not using a Recovery Catalog 35> # o you are using a TNS alias name for the target database 36> # 37> # Note that the format string is constructed to guarantee uniqueness and 38> # to enhance NetBackup for Oracle backup and restore performance. 39> # 40> # The connect statements could be part of the rman command line in the 41> # Oracle script file that calls this script. They were put here so that 42> # the passwords could be protected by setting file permissions to only 43> # allow the Oracle dba access. 44> # 45> # Add the following connect statement if using a Recovery Catalog. 46> # connect rcvcat '<user>/<passwd>@<TNS alias>' 47> # 48> # Modify the target connect statement according to the following syntax: 49> # connect target '<user>/<passwd>@<TNS alias>' 50> # 51> # Script run by: 52> # rman nocatalog cmdfile cold_database_backup_level0.rcv 53> # 54> # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55> 56> connect target 'internal/oracle_at_demo' 57> 58> run { 59> # Cold database level 0 backup 60> allocate channel t2 type 'SBT_TAPE'; 61> backup 62> incremental level 0 63> tag cold_rmandb_bk_level0 64> filesperset 5 65> # Recommended format 66> format 'db_%s_rmandb_%p_%t' 67> (database); 68> 69> # now that the backup is complete, open the db. 70> sql 'alter database open';
RMAN-03022: compiling command: allocate RMAN-03023: executing command: allocate RMAN-08030: allocated channel: t2 RMAN-08500: channel t2: sid=11 devtype=SBT_TAPE RMAN-08526: channel t2: VERITAS NetBackup for Oracle8 - Release 3.4GA(030800)
RMAN-03022: compiling command: backup RMAN-03023: executing command: backup RMAN-08008: channel t2: starting incremental level 0 datafile backupset RMAN-08502: set_count=168 set_stamp=466271699 creation_time=03/07/200215:54:59
RMAN-08010: channel t2: specifying datafile(s) in backupset RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00001 name=/data1/oradata/demo/system1.dbf RMAN-08011: including current controlfile in backupset RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00005 name=/data1/oradata/demo/users1.dbf RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00004 name=/data1/oradata/demo/temp1.dbf RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00007
RMAN-08525: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:03:06 RMAN-08008: channel t2: starting incremental level 0 datafile backupset RMAN-08502: set_count=169 set_stamp=466271885 creation_time=03/07/200215:58:05
RMAN-08010: channel t2: specifying datafile(s) in backupset RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00003 name=/data1/oradata/demo/rbs1.dbf RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00002 name=/data1/oradata/demo/tools1.dbf RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00006 name=/data1/oradata/demo/indx1.dbf RMAN-08013: channel t2: piece 1 created RMAN-08503: piece handle=db_169_rmandb_1_466271885 comment=API Version2.0,MMS Version
RMAN-03022: compiling command: sql RMAN-06162: sql statement: alter database open RMAN-03023: executing command: sql RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03006: non-retryable error occurred during execution of command: sql RMAN-07004: unhandled exception during command execution on channel default RMAN-20000: abnormal termination of job step RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: alter databaseopen
Recovery Manager complete.
Wed Jul 3 15:59:10 EAT 2002 ----------------End of Script------------------
exit 1
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Simon Waibale INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Thu Jul 04 2002 - 08:03:21 CDT
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