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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Refuse DBA access to a schema?
When you say Secure Oracle do you mean trusted Oracle? Is so that will
not eliminate the problem. With Trusted Oracle all it really adds (in
a simple form) is row level security. And seeing as system and sys
have the writeup and readup privs there is not really any stopping them
from looking at the data. I am sure you could revoke those from system
as its just a role but I am not sure I would from sys. The joy and pain
of running Trusted Oracle is enough to put in you in the mad house anyway.
Like I have mentioned in the past its not really the database but the OS
can be pure hell (at least HP CMW). Now if there is a different product out
actually called Secure Oracle then I should go do some research as I never
heard of it. Lost in my own little world...
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 3:29 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re:Refuse DBA access to a schema?
I believe you need to get your hands on Secure Oracle, which I do not
believe is
available for export. Now, if you do that, your customer will need at lease
additional admin just to maintain the security. Otherwise he's stuck and
have to look at bringing the DB back in house. So much for ASP's!!!
____________________Reply Separator____________________ Author: Sherwin Anthony Sequeira <> Date: 6/23/00 11:30 AM
Hi guys and gals,
I have a good one here.
The customer has a DB that is run and maintained in the States, i.e. All DB Admin is done over there.
The DB has a schema, which has highly sensitive material.
What the customer wants, is to lock out SYS and SYSTEM, and any
DBA accounts from the application schema.
Off the top of my head, I can think of no way of doing this.
Any ideas?
S. A. Sequeira
Author: Sherwin Anthony Sequeira
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