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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Working, middle of night
Hello Vikas,
Thank you for the instructions. I've ALTER DATABASE RENAMEd 21 files, and am waiting for shutdown to complete.
Thank you also for the control file instructions. My updates to the list appear to be greatly delayed. As soon as I received your note about ALTER DATABASE, I started renaming the files. The note regarding the control files preceeded the ALTER instructions.
Thank you again.
Regards, Linda
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 4:02 AM
To: ''
Cc: ''
Subject: RE: Working, middle of night
Do not go for soft link instead go for renaming the datafile,as I've
mentioned in my previous mail.
Now to recreate control file from controlfile backup,you have to rename
both of your controlfiles present and then run the edited script. This will
create both the control files with edited locations of your files.
Now in your case no need to recreate the controlfiles,just go for renaming
the files as specified in my last mail i.e.
svrmgr> startup mount
svrmgr> alter database rename file '/oradata/PETS/data1/system01.dbf' to
svrmgr>alter database open;
-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Hagedorn []
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 4:24 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: RE: Working, middle of night
Thanks for the command. I tried it, but permission was denied for me to
mkdir to the high-level name. Does this sound reasonable for an alternative
to start Oracle with datasets which don't match the location in the
statement (CREATE CONTROLFILE) to create a control file with the current
characteristics. I edited the control file to point to the current location
of the files. I'm at the point where I can execute the statement, but had a
couple of operational questions, for example, I have two control files
specified in my existing system. What will happen to them, if anything, if
I execute the CREATE CONTROLFILE command? Do they remain unchanged (can't
imagine this - they don't match the statement I plan to submit)? Are their
contents replaced by my executing the new statement?
Any information is appreciated.
Thanks, Linda
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 2:21 AM
To: ''
Cc: 'Linda Hagedorn'
Can't this be done with ln ?
See man ln for more info. I usually do :
ln -f -i -s exeisting_file new_file
Good luck !
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linda Hagedorn []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 9:50 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: Working, middle of night
> Hope someone's around tonight...
> I have some datasets in the 'wrong' place, and the database is failing to
> open with this error: Database mounted.
> ORA-01157: cannot identify data file 1 - file not found
> ORA-01110: data file 1: '/oradata/PETS/data1/system01.dbf'
> I want to create soft links from the recorded name:
> /oradata/PETS/data1/system01.dbf, to the location where the dataset
> actually
> resides: /opt/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/PETS/data/system01.dbf
> I don't have root, and am reluctant to move the datasets around.
> Does someone know the syntax to create a Unix soft-link?
> Thanks very much. Linda
> PS. The source of the problem is no mystery. In an effort to make space
> in
> an emergency, files were moved (not by me) to different directories. This
> has been done to a significant number of the files. While this is not
> production, it is QA/Dev, and I'm anxious to put the house back in order.
> This is a temporary situation, and meetings are underway to work out the
> space issues. In the mean time, I need to get this database back on-line,
> and the Unix soft-link is, I think, the least painful way to get the
> system
> up. I'm looking at 18 hours processing, so if you know the soft-link
> syntax, I'd appreciate knowing it. Thanks.
> --
> Author: Linda Hagedorn
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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-- Author: Linda Hagedorn INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You mayReceived on Tue Jun 06 2000 - 06:04:28 CDT
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