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Re: Rebuilding database to change block size
Re: Rebuilding database to change block size
- you create database using "create database ...
which will create new controlfile and redo logs
for you.
- Create all the tablespaces which were exist in
old database.
- Import the export.dmp into new database.
- "Miller, Jay" <> wrote:
> Okay, we finally got enough storage space to hold an
> export of our
> datawarehouse so I'm going to change the block size
> from 4 to 16.
> Obviously I'm testing this on a small play database
> first, but I've never
> done this before so I have several questions and
> would welcome any
> advice/comments/criticisms. Here's what I was
> thinking of:
> 1. Do a full export (consistent=y) as sys. Backup
> control file to trace
> (just as an extra precaution).
> 2. Shutdown database.
> 3. Cold backup of all files.
> 4. Drop all datafiles,control files, redo logs.
> Any other cleanup
> necessary? Or since the CREATE DATABASE command
> will erase data in existing
> datafiles, can I just skip this step entirely?
> 5. Change db_block_size in init.ora file
> 6. Start database in NOMOUNT mode.
> Here's where I'm on somewhat thinner ice:
> 7. Issue create database command. Is there a way
> to generate this
> automatically from the existing database? It's easy
> enough to write from
> scratch but I'd rather not take chances with typos
> if I don't have to.
> 8. Change sys and system passwords.
> 9. I definitely want to precreate a few tablespaces
> where I want to change
> the initial extent parameter. Is it necessary to
> precreate all tablespaces
> and users (I can generate that script very easily)?
> 10. Import database as sys.
> Okay, what am I missing?
> Thanks to all,
> Jay
> --
> Author: Miller, Jay
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX:
> (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet
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Received on Tue Jun 06 2000 - 12:22:05 CDT
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