Hi guys,
I used to code my joins under the old Oracle standard way, eg.
select 1
from table_A,
where table_A.column1 = tableB.column1
but now I'm switching to the ANSI standard, eg.
select 1
from table_A
inner join table_B on table_B.column1 = table_A.column1
the problem I'm having is attempting an outer join (using ANSI) on a subquery.
select column1,
from table_A
left outer join table_B on table_B.column1 = table_A.column1
left outer join table_C on table_C.column2 = table_A.column2
and table_C.date = (select max(date)
from table_D
where table_D.column3 = '1'
where table_A.column4 = 'New'
can somebody give me a hand on to properly write this query in ANSI standard kinda way?