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How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423896] Tue, 29 September 2009 02:26 Go to next message
Messages: 48
Registered: April 2009
Location: malaysia

Hi all guru's,

I have a bit problem here..i've done a code that will insert data automatically into a staging table. The problem now is the data that need to insert is quite large (around 25000) and its all different. The time taken for this was so long (around 6 hours)...do any of u could suggest me to use any method that would decrease the time taken.

A big thankful to all of u.

Thanks Smile
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423897 is a reply to message #423896] Tue, 29 September 2009 02:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 941
Registered: December 2008
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Depending upon source of the data, answer changes.

So would you specify from where you are inserting data?

Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423901 is a reply to message #423896] Tue, 29 September 2009 03:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 5933
Registered: June 2006
Location: Sunny North Yorkshire, ho...
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Top causes I can think of, based on the total absence of iformation provided:

1) You've got triggers on that table that run for each row
2) You're using a call to a function in the sql.
3) You're doingthe insert from a very poorly performing piece of SQL.
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423902 is a reply to message #423897] Tue, 29 September 2009 03:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 48
Registered: April 2009
Location: malaysia

Thanks for the fast reply,

Ok,roughly the process are like this...i create a temporary table to stored this bunch of data...the data roughly i took from the net, insert it by doing pasting thousand of insert into statement. i compile this into 1 sql file. Then when i execute the file, it takes quite an hour to complete it.

So now juz want to know is there any method that could be use to decrease the time taking, mayb other ways beside bunch of insert into statement. FORALL maybe (not sure is it can be use to insert different data or not)...

Thanks Smile
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423903 is a reply to message #423902] Tue, 29 September 2009 03:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 7901
Registered: March 2000
Senior Member
One step back:
- where do you get your data from? What is your source? Is it a temporary table (as in a "Global Temporary Table" in Oracle's definitions?)
- Do you say that moving the data from the temporary table to the staging tables takes 6 hours for 25 thousands rows?
- You are not running on any kind of weird out-of-date hardware?
- Like JRowbottom said: check the tables for triggers
- Post your code!!
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423904 is a reply to message #423903] Tue, 29 September 2009 03:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 48
Registered: April 2009
Location: malaysia

create table A(
emplid varchar2(30),
last_name varchar2(30),
male_first_name varchar2(30),
female_first_name varchar2(30),
unisex_name varchar2(30))
tablespace ENROLL_DATA01
pctused 0
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
storage (
MAXEXTENTS 2147483645

create unique index A_ind on A(emplid);
tablespace ENROLL_DATA01
pctused 0
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
storage (
MAXEXTENTS 2147483645


exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
('BENAEADM','SCRAMBLED_CHUBB_EMPL_TBL',ESTIMATE_PERCENT=>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,METHOD_OPT=>'for all columns size auto',CASCADE=>True);


exec table_create(1,'AABERG', 'AARON', 'Aaliyah','Abie');
exec table_create(2,'AABY', 'Aaron', 'AARON','Adair' );
exec table_create(3,'AADLAND', 'AARON', 'ABBEY','Addison' );
exec table_create(4,'AAGAARD', 'Abdiel', 'Abbey','Adriel' );
exec table_create(5,'AAKRE', 'ABDUL', 'Abbie','Africa' );
exec table_create(6,'AALAND', 'Abdullah', 'ABBIE','Afton' );
exec table_create(7,'AALBERS', 'ABE', 'Abbigail','Aidan' );
exec table_create(8,'AALDERINK', 'Abel', 'Abby','Aiken' );
exec table_create(25902,'FLEAK', 'Darion', 'Sarai','Storm' );

P/S: table_create.sql it will compile procedure that hav insert statement base on the input

Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423905 is a reply to message #423902] Tue, 29 September 2009 03:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 5933
Registered: June 2006
Location: Sunny North Yorkshire, ho...
Senior Member
[quoteP/S: table_create.sql it will compile procedure that hav insert statement base on the input][/quote]
That's your problem right there. If this is compiling (or even just running) a pl/sql block for each row, then that's going to slow things down a lot

Can you show us this code from the script table_create.sql?

All you should need for this is:
insert into A values (1,'AABERG', 'AARON', 'Aaliyah','Abie'); 
insert into A values (2,'AABY', 'Aaron', 'AARON','Adair' ); 
insert into A values (3,'AADLAND', 'AARON', 'ABBEY','Addison' );

Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423907 is a reply to message #423896] Tue, 29 September 2009 03:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 48
Registered: April 2009
Location: malaysia

create or replace
PROCEDURE table_create(num_row number, l_name VARCHAR, m_fname VARCHAR2, f_fname VARCHAR2, u_fname varchar2) IS
v_row A%ROWTYPE;



VALUES v_row;

END table_create;
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423908 is a reply to message #423907] Tue, 29 September 2009 03:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 5933
Registered: June 2006
Location: Sunny North Yorkshire, ho...
Senior Member
It could be worse I suppose - you could be recompiling the procedure each time.

You don't need this procedure at all.

Try rewriting your scruipt the way I suggested in my previious post - replace the calls to table_create with direct insert statements.

Additionally, as EMPLID is a value you set, you can leave the unique index off until after you've done the insert - if there are any duplicate Emplid values, you can just renumber them.

Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423914 is a reply to message #423908] Tue, 29 September 2009 04:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 48
Registered: April 2009
Location: malaysia

Ok, now i can see the problem not comes from where that i assume. Let say i've made changes to the code...

1- i insert data from another table into the staging table
2- i update the existing data with adding the other data from outsource...

Like this...

create table A (
emplid varchar2(30),
last_name varchar2(30),
male_first_name varchar2(30),
female_first_name varchar2(30),
unisex_name varchar2(30))
tablespace ENROLL_DATA01
pctused 0
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
storage (
MAXEXTENTS 2147483645

--alter table A nologging;

insert into A (emplid) select distinct(emplid) from ps_job@cbpsprdp;

create unique index A_ind on A(emplid);
tablespace ENROLL_DATA01
pctused 0
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
storage (
MAXEXTENTS 2147483645


exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
('BENAEADM','A',ESTIMATE_PERCENT=>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,METHOD_OPT=>'for all columns size auto',CASCADE=>True);


exec table_create(1,'AABERG', 'AARON', 'Aaliyah','Abie');
exec table_create(2,'AABY', 'Aaron', 'AARON','Adair' );
exec table_create(3,'AADLAND', 'AARON', 'ABBEY','Addison' );
exec table_create(4,'AAGAARD', 'Abdiel', 'Abbey','Adriel' );
exec table_create(5,'AAKRE', 'ABDUL', 'Abbie','Africa' );
exec table_create(6,'AALAND', 'Abdullah', 'ABBIE','Afton' );
exec table_create(7,'AALBERS', 'ABE', 'Abbigail','Aidan' );
exec table_create(8,'AALDERINK', 'Abel', 'Abby','Aiken' );
exec table_create(9,'AALUND', 'ABEL', 'ABBY','Akia' );
exec table_create(10,'AAMODT', 'Abraham', 'Abigail','Akiva' );
exec table_create(11,'AAMOT', 'ABRAHAM', 'ABIGAIL','Aldis' );
exec table_create(25902,'FLEAK', 'Darion', 'Sarai','Storm' );

P/S : table_create.sql are procedure like this::

create or replace
PROCEDURE table_create(num_row number, l_name VARCHAR, m_fname VARCHAR2, f_fname VARCHAR2, u_fname varchar2) IS
v_row A%ROWTYPE;



update A set
last_name = l_name,
male_first_name = m_fname,
female_first_name = f_fname,
unisex_name = u_fname
where emplid = (select emplid from
(select row_number() over (order by emplid) as n, emplid
from A)
where n= num_row);

END table_create;

Do u hav any suggestion for me to do any changes for upgrade?
Thanks a lot anyway
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423916 is a reply to message #423896] Tue, 29 September 2009 04:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 13963
Registered: September 2008
Location: Rainy Manchester
Senior Member
Using staging tables rarely improves performance.
I suspect you want a single insert/select or possibly a CTAS (create table as select) but since you haven't supplied the full code it's impossible to tell for sure.
And next time you post code can you please use code tags - see the orafaq forum guide if you're not sure how..
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #423928 is a reply to message #423914] Tue, 29 September 2009 05:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 5933
Registered: June 2006
Location: Sunny North Yorkshire, ho...
Senior Member
Yes, and this is the third (and last) time I'm going to tell you.

Stop calling a this table create procedure once per row, and instead just make a straight forwards insert statement.

IE replace all the lines like this:
exec table_create(1,'AABERG', 'AARON', 'Aaliyah','Abie'); 
with lines like this:
insert into A values (1,'AABERG', 'AARON', 'Aaliyah','Abie');

Then go back and fill in any missing records with blank ids.

Or, if you do want to pre-populate the table with ids, then use Update statements, and replace the calls to table_create with
update A
set last_name = 'AABERG'
,male_first_name = 'AARON'
,female_first_name = 'Aaliyah'
,unisex_name = 'Abie'
where emplid = 1;

Just stop making these calls to the procedure.
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #424615 is a reply to message #423928] Sun, 04 October 2009 20:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 48
Registered: April 2009
Location: malaysia


Thanks for your suggestion...

I've change my code to this

set serveroutput on size 1000000
set echo off
set head off
set feed off
set pause off

--drop table scrambled_chubb_empl_tbl;

select 'Process starts at '||to_char(sysdate,'MM-DD-YYYY HH:Mi:SS') from dual ;

create table scrambled_chubb_empl_tbl (
num_id number(30),
emplid varchar2(30),
last_name varchar2(30),
male_first_name varchar2(30),
female_first_name varchar2(30),
unisex_name varchar2(30))
tablespace ENROLL_DATA01
pctused 0
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
storage (

insert into scrambled_chubb_empl_tbl (num_id, last_name, male_first_name, female_first_name, unisex_name) values (1,'AABERG', 'AARON', 'Aaliyah','Abie');
insert into scrambled_chubb_empl_tbl (num_id, last_name, male_first_name, female_first_name, unisex_name) values (2,'AABY', 'Aaron', 'AARON','Adair' );
insert into scrambled_chubb_empl_tbl (num_id, last_name, male_first_name, female_first_name, unisex_name) values (3,'AADLAND', 'AARON', 'ABBEY','Addison' );
insert into scrambled_chubb_empl_tbl (num_id, last_name, male_first_name, female_first_name, unisex_name) values (26311,'FORCINO', 'Genaro', 'TANGELA', 'Keran' );



exec table_create.sql;

in table_create procedure...is like this :

create or replace
PROCEDURE table_create IS

cursor c1 is
select count(*) num_all from scrambled_chubb_empl_tbl;

rec c1%rowtype;

num_row number(30) := 1;
num_com number(30) :=4000;


open c1;

fetch c1 into rec;

while num_row <= rec.num_all loop

update scrambled_chubb_empl_tbl
set emplid = (select distinct emplid from (
select emplid,
count(distinct emplid) c_emp,
row_number() over (order by emplid) as n from ps_job@cbpsprdp
group by emplid)
where n= num_row)
where num_id = num_row;

num_row := num_row + 1;

if num_row = num_com then
end if;

num_com := num_com + 4000;

end loop;

close c1;
dbms_output.put_line (num_row - 1 ||' Data have been updated');

END table_create;

The problem now is...when it moves to procedure process...it shows error says dbms_lock issue...is there any suggestion for this?

Thanks a lot
Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #424619 is a reply to message #424615] Sun, 04 October 2009 22:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Re: How to decrease time of inserting large data [message #424658 is a reply to message #423896] Mon, 05 October 2009 03:56 Go to previous message
Messages: 13963
Registered: September 2008
Location: Rainy Manchester
Senior Member
1) Your code would be a lot more readable if you used code tags - see the orafaq forum guide if you're not sure how.
2) When you get errors it helps to copy and paste the full error message and number.
3) Nothing in the code uses dbms_lock. So if you're getting an error on that then there is some other code causing it.
4) You'd be better off getting rid of the loops and count(*)s and doing a single update statement that updates all the rows.
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