Hi all,
i'm running a bit of SQL that reads from a financial table all records who's 'transno' does not exist in another table.
It is painfully slow, so I wondered if anyone can suggest a better/quicker way of doing it.
here is the SQL:
SELECT to_char(wip.transno) as TRANSACTION, wip.transtype, wip.entity, wip.charge_code, wip.company_code, wip.project_code, wip.projectclass, wip.resource_code, wipv.currency_code, wipv.amount
FROM niku.ppa_wip wip, niku.ppa_wip_values wipv
WHERE wip.entity='DSTUK'
and wip.transtype = 'L'
and wip.transno = wipv.transno
and wipv.currency_type = 'HOME'
and (wip.transdate between to_date('01/05/2008', 'dd/mm/yyyy') AND to_date('01/07/2008', 'dd/mm/yyyy'))
and wip.transno NOT IN(select gl.transno from niku.dsti_gl_control gl)
any advice is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,