SUM up three rows into one and do it for the whole document. (merged) [message #395200] |
Tue, 31 March 2009 10:59  |
Messages: 5 Registered: October 2008
Junior Member |
I need some advice please.
I am new to SQL scripting and i trying to sum up the following columns so that i have one line added togther for each hostname.
If i do the following:
select distinct
trunc(((hcap.used/1024/1024/1024) ),2) as USED_GB,
trunc((( ),2) as FREE_GB,
trunc(((,2) as TOTAL_GB
..... (same for the rest code below)
I get the following output
Hostname Used Free Total %
EMACROMSQ15 32.53 217.07 249.61 13
EMACROMSQ15 60.43 189.56 249.99 24
EMACROMSQ15 151.28 598.71 749.99 20
EMACROMSQ16 8.27 241.72 249.99 3
EMACROMSQ16 16.75 232.85 249.61 7
EMACROMSQ16 132.53 617.46 749.99 18
EMACROMSQ18 0.85 40.78 41.64 2
EMACROMSQ18 25.7 15.94 41.65 62
EMACROMSQ18 62.31 62.65 124.96 50
For some reason, when i sum the figures, it is doubleing or triple the sum. Which is very bizare.
select distinct
SUM ( trunc(((hcap.used/1024/1024/1024) ),2) ) as USED_GB,
SUM ( trunc((( ),2) ) as FREE_GB,
SUM ( trunc(((,2) ) as TOTAL_GB
..... (same for the rest code below)
But i am getting this output for some reason
Hostname Used Free Total
EMACROMSQ15 488.48 2010.68 2499.18
EMACROMSQ16 315.1 2184.06 2499.18
EMACROMSQ18 266.58 358.11 624.75
EMACROMSQ19 583.8 978.12 1561.95
I want to achive the following output
Hostname Used Free Total
EMACROMSQ15 244.24 1005.34 1249.59
EMACROMSQ16 157.55 1092.03 1249.59
EMACROMSQ18 88.86 119.37 208.25
EMACROMSQ19 194.6 326.04 520.65
The full code is below:
select distinct
SUM ( trunc(((hcap.used/1024/1024/1024) ),2) ) as USED_GB,
SUM ( trunc((( ),2) ) as FREE_GB,
SUM ( trunc(((,2) ) as TOTAL_GB
mvc_pathvw path,
mvc_subpathvw spath,
mvc_hostsummaryvw hs,
mvc_hostvolumesummaryvw hvs,
(select hc.volumeid,,
from mvc_hostcapacityvw hc
where hc.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from mvc_hostcapacityvw where volumeid = hc.volumeid)
) hcap,
mvc_cardsummaryvw cs,
mvc_portsummaryvw psh,
mvc_switchsummaryvw ss,
mvc_portsummaryvw pshs,
mvc_switchsummaryvw sss,
mvc_portsummaryvw pss,
mvc_storagesystemsummaryvw stgss,
mvc_portsummaryvw pssp,
mvc_storagevolumesummaryvw svs
spath.pathid(+) = path.pathid
and hs.hostid = path.hostid
and hvs.logicalvolumeid(+) = path.logicalvolumeid
and hcap.volumeid(+) = hvs.logicalvolumeid
and cs.cardid(+) = spath.hbacardid
and psh.containerid(+) = cs.cardid
and pshs.portid(+) = spath.hostswitchportid
and ss.switchid(+) = pshs.containerid
and pss.portid(+) = spath.systemswitchportid
and sss.switchid(+) = pss.containerid
and stgss.storagesystemid(+) = spath.storagesystemid
and pssp.portid(+) = spath.storagesystemportid
and svs.storagevolumeid(+) = spath.storagevolumeid
and stgss.storagesystemname is not null
and hvs.filesystemtype='NTFS'
and hvs.logicalvolumename is not null
and hs.hostname like 'EMACROMSQ1%'
GROUP BY hs.hostname
ORDER BY hs.hostname ASC;