create or replace PACKAGE PKG_ARCHIVE_PUCM AS /* TODO enter package declarations (types, exceptions, methods etc) here */ /**constants*/ --SCHEMA_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA'); -- SHIPMENT_DELIVERED CONSTANT INTEGER := 5; SHIPMENT_CANCELLED CONSTANT INTEGER := 6; -- /* TRANS_ORDER_NOSHIPMENT CONSTANT INTEGER := 1; TRANS_ORDER_WITHSHIPMENT CONSTANT INTEGER := 2; SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER CONSTANT INTEGER := 3; SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER CONSTANT INTEGER := 4; */ /**variables*/ lint_sellimit INTEGER := archive_pckg.SEL_LIMIT; /*- PK master tables*/ ltab_ids1 archive_tab_id_type; ltab_ids1_to archive_tab_id_type; ltab_ids1_from archive_tab_id_type; ltab_ids1_bill_to archive_tab_id_type; ltab_ids2 archive_tab_id_type; ltab_ids3 archive_tab_id_type; ltab_ids4 archive_tab_id_type; ltab_rowids1 archive_tab_rowid_type; ltab_shipment_withorder_ids archive_tab_id_type; CURSOR lcur_trans_order_noship(p_archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER) IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(order_id), archive_obj_id_type(to_contact_info_id), archive_obj_id_type(from_contact_info_id), archive_obj_id_type(bill_to_contact_info_id) FROM trans_order trans, stg_archive.yfs_order_tmp yfs WHERE trim(trans.org_order_id)=trim(yfs.order_no) AND order_id NOT IN (SELECT order_id FROM order_line WHERE id IN (SELECT order_line_id FROM shipment_line ) ); -- AND COALESCE(created, updated, canceled) < SYSDATE - p_archive_trans_order_shipment; CURSOR lcur_trans_order_withship IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(order_id), archive_obj_id_type(to_contact_info_id), archive_obj_id_type(from_contact_info_id), archive_obj_id_type(bill_to_contact_info_id) FROM trans_order trans, stg_archive.yfs_order_tmp yfs WHERE trim(trans.org_order_id)=trim(yfs.order_no) AND order_id IN (SELECT order_id FROM order_line WHERE id IN (SELECT order_line_id FROM stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line_tmp ) ); CURSOR lcur_order_comment IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(order_comment_id) FROM order_comment WHERE order_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_order_instruction IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM order_instruction WHERE order_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_order_line IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM order_line WHERE order_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_order_line_instruction IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM order_line_instruction WHERE order_line_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) ); CURSOR lcur_contact_info IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM contact_info WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1_to) WHERE id IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1_from) WHERE id IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1_bill_to) WHERE id IS NOT NULL ); CURSOR lcur_shipment_noorder(p_archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER) IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(shipment_id), archive_obj_id_type(to_contact_info_id), archive_obj_id_type(from_contact_info_id), archive_obj_id_type(NULL) FROM shipment sh, stg_archive.yfs_ship_tmp yfs WHERE trim(sh.orig_shipment_id)=trim(yfs.shipment_no) AND sh.shipment_id NOT IN (SELECT shipment_id FROM shipment_line WHERE order_line_id IN (SELECT id FROM order_line ) ) AND shipment_status_id IN (SHIPMENT_DELIVERED, SHIPMENT_CANCELLED); --AND COALESCE(created, updated) < SYSDATE - p_archive_trans_order_shipment; CURSOR lcur_shipment_withorder IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(shipment_id), archive_obj_id_type(to_contact_info_id), archive_obj_id_type(from_contact_info_id), archive_obj_id_type(NULL) FROM shipment sh, stg_archive.yfs_ship_tmp yfs WHERE trim(sh.orig_shipment_id)=trim(yfs.shipment_no) AND sh.shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_shipment_withorder_ids) ); CURSOR lcur_shipment_comment IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(shipment_comment_id) FROM shipment_comment WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_shipment_container IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM shipment_container WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); -- Added below 2 cursors on 14/06/15 CURSOR lcur_shipment_container_det IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM shipment_container_detail WHERE shipment_container_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) ); CURSOR lcur_shipment_container_det_tg IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM shipment_container_detail_tag WHERE shipment_container_detail_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids3) ); -- Ended here on 14/06/15 CURSOR lcur_shipment_event IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(shipment_event_id) FROM shipment_event WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); -----------------------------------------------------------------------Added Tracking Event------------------------------------------------------ CURSOR lcur_tracking_event IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(tracking_event_id) FROM tracking_event_bck WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------Closed Tracking Event------------------------------------------------------ CURSOR lcur_shipment_line IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM shipment_line WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_shipment_line_instruction IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM shipment_line_instruction WHERE shipment_line_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) ); CURSOR lcur_delivery IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(delivery_id) FROM delivery WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_addition_fee IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(addition_fee_id) FROM addition_fee WHERE delivery_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) ); CURSOR lcur_document IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(content_id), archive_obj_id_type(id), archive_obj_id_type(NULL) FROM document WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ) UNION ALL SELECT archive_obj_id_type(content_id), archive_obj_id_type(NULL), archive_obj_id_type(id) FROM document_history WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_eta IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(eta_id) FROM eta WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_pickup IS SELECT archive_obj_id_type(pickup_id) FROM pickup WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); CURSOR lcur_shipment_rawb IS SELECT archive_obj_rowid_type(ROWIDTOCHAR(ROWID)) FROM shipment_rawb WHERE shipment_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids1) ); FUNCTION trans_order_process(pint_process_id IN INTEGER,l_archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE shipment_withorder(p_archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER); FUNCTION shipment_process(pint_process_id IN INTEGER,l_archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN; FUNCTION shipment_line_process RETURN BOOLEAN; --PROCEDURE archive_purge (purge_job_log NUMBER,purge_message NUMBER,purge_attachment NUMBER,archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER); END PKG_ARCHIVE_PUCM; / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BODY-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace PACKAGE BODY PKG_ARCHIVE_PUCM AS FUNCTION trans_order_process(pint_process_id IN INTEGER,l_archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN AS TRANS_ORDER_NOSHIPMENT CONSTANT INTEGER := 1; TRANS_ORDER_WITHSHIPMENT CONSTANT INTEGER := 2; SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER CONSTANT INTEGER := 3; SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER CONSTANT INTEGER := 4; BEGIN CASE pint_process_id WHEN TRANS_ORDER_NOSHIPMENT THEN OPEN lcur_trans_order_noship(l_archive_trans_order_shipment); WHEN TRANS_ORDER_WITHSHIPMENT THEN OPEN lcur_trans_order_withship; END CASE; LOOP /**fetch master table PKs - maximum limited*/ CASE pint_process_id WHEN TRANS_ORDER_NOSHIPMENT THEN FETCH lcur_trans_order_noship BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids1, ltab_ids1_to, ltab_ids1_from, ltab_ids1_bill_to LIMIT lint_sellimit; WHEN TRANS_ORDER_WITHSHIPMENT THEN FETCH lcur_trans_order_withship BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids1, ltab_ids1_to, ltab_ids1_from, ltab_ids1_bill_to LIMIT lint_sellimit; END CASE; /**archive old master rows [COPY]*/ /*- insert into arch table TRANS_ORDER*/ BEGIN FORALL i in 1..ltab_ids1.count SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.trans_order SELECT * FROM trans_order WHERE order_id = ltab_ids1(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('TRANS_ORDER', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of slave table ORDER_COMMENT*/ OPEN lcur_order_comment; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_order_comment BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table ORDER_COMMENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i in 1..ltab_ids2.count SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.order_comment SELECT * FROM order_comment WHERE order_comment_id =ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('ORDER_COMMENT', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table ORDER_COMMENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE order_comment WHERE order_comment_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('ORDER_COMMENT', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_order_comment%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_order_comment; /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of slave table ORDER_INSTRUCTION*/ OPEN lcur_order_instruction; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_order_instruction BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table ORDER_INSTRUCTION*/ BEGIN FORALL i in 1..ltab_ids2.count SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.order_instruction SELECT * FROM order_instruction WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('ORDER_INSTRUCTION', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table ORDER_INSTRUCTION*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE order_instruction WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('ORDER_INSTRUCTION', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_order_instruction%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_order_instruction; /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of master table ORDER_LINE*/ OPEN lcur_order_line; LOOP /**fetch master/slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_order_line BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old master/slave rows [COPY]*/ /*- insert into arch table ORDER_LINE*/ BEGIN FORALL i in 1..ltab_ids2.count SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.order_line SELECT * FROM order_line WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('ORDER_LINE', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of slave table ORDER_LINE_INSTRUCTION*/ OPEN lcur_order_line_instruction; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_order_line_instruction BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids3 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /*- insert into arch table ORDER_LINE_INSTRUCTION*/ BEGIN FORALL i in 1..ltab_ids3.count SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.order_line_instruction SELECT * FROM order_line_instruction WHERE id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('ORDER_LINE_INSTRUCTION', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table ORDER_LINE_INSTRUCTION*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids3.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE order_line_instruction WHERE id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('ORDER_LINE_INSTRUCTION', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids3.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_order_line_instruction%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_order_line_instruction; /**archive old master/slave rows [REMOVE]*/ /*- delete from orig table ORDER_LINE*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE order_line WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('ORDER_LINE', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_order_line%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_order_line; /**archive old master rows [REMOVE]*/ /*- delete from orig table TRANS_ORDER*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids1.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE trans_order WHERE order_id = ltab_ids1(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('TRANS_ORDER', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids1.COUNT); /**archive old master rows*/ /**open cursor of master table CONTACT_INFO*/ OPEN lcur_contact_info; LOOP /**fetch master table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_contact_info BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old master rows*/ /*- insert into arch table CONTACT_INFO*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.contact_info SELECT * FROM contact_info WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('CONTACT_INFO', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table CONTACT_INFO*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE contact_info WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('CONTACT_INFO', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_contact_info%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_contact_info; /**exit loop when no data found*/ /* CASE WHEN pint_process_id = TRANS_ORDER_NOSHIPMENT AND lcur_trans_order_noship%NOTFOUND THEN EXIT; WHEN pint_process_id = TRANS_ORDER_WITHSHIPMENT AND lcur_trans_order_withship%NOTFOUND THEN EXIT; END CASE; */ CASE pint_process_id WHEN TRANS_ORDER_NOSHIPMENT THEN EXIT WHEN lcur_trans_order_noship%NOTFOUND; WHEN TRANS_ORDER_WITHSHIPMENT THEN EXIT WHEN lcur_trans_order_withship%NOTFOUND ; END CASE; END LOOP; IF lcur_trans_order_noship%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_trans_order_noship; END IF; IF lcur_trans_order_withship%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_trans_order_withship; END IF; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN archive_pckg.print_error; IF lcur_trans_order_noship%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_trans_order_noship; END IF; IF lcur_trans_order_withship%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_trans_order_withship; END IF; IF lcur_order_comment%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_order_comment; END IF; IF lcur_order_instruction%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_order_instruction; END IF; IF lcur_order_line%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_order_line; END IF; IF lcur_order_line_instruction%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_order_line_instruction; END IF; IF lcur_contact_info%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_contact_info; END IF; RETURN FALSE; END trans_order_process; PROCEDURE shipment_withorder(p_archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER) IS lint_shipment_count INTEGER := 0; ltab_shipment_ids1 archive_tab_id_type; ltab_shipment_ids2 archive_tab_id_type; BEGIN SELECT archive_obj_id_type(sh.shipment_id) BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_shipment_withorder_ids FROM shipment sh, stg_archive.yfs_ship_tmp yfs WHERE TRIM(yfs.shipment_no)=TRIM(sh.orig_shipment_id) AND sh.shipment_status_id IN (SHIPMENT_DELIVERED,SHIPMENT_CANCELLED); /* SELECT archive_obj_id_type(shipment_id) BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_shipment_withorder_ids FROM (SELECT DISTINCT s1.shipment_id FROM order_line o1, shipment_line s1 WHERE = s1.order_line_id AND o1.order_id IN (SELECT o2.order_id FROM order_line o2, shipment_line s2 WHERE = s2.order_line_id AND s2.shipment_id IN ( SELECT shipment_id FROM shipment sh , stg_archive.yfs_ship_tmp yfs where TRIM(sh.orig_shipment_id)=TRIM(shipment_no) AND sh.shipment_status_id IN (SHIPMENT_DELIVERED,SHIPMENT_CANCELLED) ) ) ); */ END shipment_withorder; FUNCTION shipment_process(pint_process_id IN INTEGER,l_archive_trans_order_shipment NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS TRANS_ORDER_NOSHIPMENT CONSTANT INTEGER := 1; TRANS_ORDER_WITHSHIPMENT CONSTANT INTEGER := 2; SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER CONSTANT INTEGER := 3; SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER CONSTANT INTEGER := 4; BEGIN /**open cursor of master table*/ CASE pint_process_id WHEN SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER THEN OPEN lcur_shipment_noorder(l_archive_trans_order_shipment); WHEN SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER THEN shipment_withorder(l_archive_trans_order_shipment); OPEN lcur_shipment_withorder; END CASE; LOOP /**fetch master table PKs - maximum limited*/ CASE pint_process_id WHEN SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER THEN FETCH lcur_shipment_noorder BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids1, ltab_ids1_to, ltab_ids1_from, ltab_ids1_bill_to LIMIT lint_sellimit; WHEN SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER THEN FETCH lcur_shipment_withorder BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids1, ltab_ids1_to, ltab_ids1_from, ltab_ids1_bill_to LIMIT lint_sellimit; END CASE; /**archive old master rows [COPY]*/ /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids1.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment SELECT * FROM shipment WHERE shipment_id = ltab_ids1(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of slave table SHIPMENT_COMMENT*/ OPEN lcur_shipment_comment; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_shipment_comment BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_COMMENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_comment SELECT * FROM shipment_comment WHERE shipment_comment_id = ltab_ids2(i).ID; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_COMMENT', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT_COMMENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment_comment WHERE shipment_comment_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT_COMMENT', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_comment%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_shipment_comment; /**open cursor of slave table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER*/ OPEN lcur_shipment_container; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_shipment_container BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_container SELECT * FROM shipment_container WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).ID; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_CONTAINER', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); --- Added shipment_container_det,shipment_container_det_tg on 14/06/15 /**open cursor of slave table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL*/ OPEN lcur_shipment_container_det; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_shipment_container_det BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids3 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids3.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_container_detail SELECT * FROM shipment_container_detail WHERE id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /**open cursor of slave table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL_TAG*/ OPEN lcur_shipment_container_det_tg; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_shipment_container_det_tg BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids4 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL_TAG*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids4.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_container_detail_tag SELECT * FROM shipment_container_detail_tag WHERE id = ltab_ids4(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL_TAG', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL_TAG*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids4.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment_container_detail_tag WHERE id = ltab_ids4(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL_TAG', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids4.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_container_det_tg%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_shipment_container_det_tg; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids3.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment_container_detail WHERE id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT_CONTAINER_DETAIL', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids3.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_container_det%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_shipment_container_det; -- Ended on 14/06/15 /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT_CONTAINER*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment_container WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT_CONTAINER', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_container%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_shipment_container; /**open cursor of slave table SHIPMENT_EVENT*/ OPEN lcur_shipment_event; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_shipment_event BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_EVENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_event SELECT * FROM shipment_event WHERE shipment_event_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_EVENT', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT_EVENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment_event WHERE shipment_event_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT_EVENT', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_event%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_shipment_event; /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of slave table TRACKING_EVENT*/ OPEN lcur_tracking_event; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_tracking_event BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table TRACKING_EVENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.tracking_event SELECT * FROM tracking_event_bck WHERE tracking_event_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('TRACING_EVENT', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table TRACKING_EVENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE tracking_event_bck WHERE tracking_event_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('TRACKING_EVENT', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_tracking_event%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_tracking_event; /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of master table SHIPMENT_LINE*/ OPEN lcur_shipment_line; LOOP /**fetch master/slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_shipment_line BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old master/slave rows [COPY]*/ CASE pint_process_id WHEN SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER THEN /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_LINE*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line SELECT * FROM shipment_line WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_LINE', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); WHEN SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER THEN /*- insert into arch temporary table SHIPMENT_LINE_TMP*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line_tmp SELECT * FROM shipment_line WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) ); END CASE; /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of slave table SHIPMENT_LINE_INSTRUCTION*/ OPEN lcur_shipment_line_instruction; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_shipment_line_instruction BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids3 LIMIT lint_sellimit; CASE pint_process_id WHEN SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER THEN /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_LINE_INSTRUCTION*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids3.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line_instruction SELECT * FROM shipment_line_instruction WHERE id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_LINE_INSTRUCTION', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); WHEN SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER THEN /*- insert into arch temporary table SHIPMENT_LINE_INSTRUCTION_TMP*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line_instruction_tmp SELECT * FROM shipment_line_instruction WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids3) ); END CASE; /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT_LINE_INSTRUCTION*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids3.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment_line_instruction WHERE id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT_LINE_INSTRUCTION', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids3.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_line_instruction%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_shipment_line_instruction; /**archive old master/slave rows [REMOVE]*/ /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT_LINE*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment_line WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT_LINE', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_line%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_shipment_line; /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of master table DELIVERY*/ OPEN lcur_delivery; LOOP /**fetch master/slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_delivery BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old master/slave rows [COPY]*/ /*- insert into arch table DELIVERY*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO SELECT * FROM delivery WHERE delivery_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('DELIVERY', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /**archive old slave rows*/ /**open cursor of slave table ADDITION_FEE*/ OPEN lcur_addition_fee; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_addition_fee BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids3 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /*- insert into arch table ADDITION_FEE*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids3.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.addition_fee SELECT * FROM addition_fee WHERE addition_fee_id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_count('ADDITION_FEE', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table ADDITION_FEE*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids3.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE addition_fee WHERE addition_fee_id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('ADDITION_FEE', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids3.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_addition_fee%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_addition_fee; /**archive old master/slave rows [REMOVE]*/ /*- delete from orig table DELIVERY*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE delivery WHERE delivery_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('DELIVERY', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_delivery%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_delivery; /**open cursor of slave table*/ OPEN lcur_document; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_document BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2, ltab_ids3, ltab_ids4 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old master/slave rows [COPY]*/ /*- insert into/update arch table DOCUMENT_CONTENT*/ MERGE INTO stg_PUCM_archive.document_content t USING (SELECT * FROM document_content WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) WHERE id IS NOT NULL ) ) a ON ( = WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET bytes = a.bytes WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (id, bytes) VALUES (, a.bytes); archive_pckg.rows_count('DOCUMENT_CONTENT', archive_pckg.OPER_MERGE); /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table DOCUMENT*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.document SELECT * FROM document WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids3) WHERE id IS NOT NULL ); archive_pckg.rows_count('DOCUMENT', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table DOCUMENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids3.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE document WHERE id = ltab_ids3(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('DOCUMENT', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids3.COUNT); /*- insert into arch table DOCUMENT_HISTORY*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.document_history SELECT * FROM document_history WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids4) WHERE id IS NOT NULL ); archive_pckg.rows_count('DOCUMENT_HISTORY', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table DOCUMENT_HISTORY*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids4.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE document_history WHERE id = ltab_ids4(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('DOCUMENT_HISTORY', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids4.COUNT); /**archive old master/slave rows [REMOVE]*/ /*- delete from orig table DOCUMENT_CONTENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE document_content WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id AND id NOT IN (SELECT content_id FROM document UNION ALL SELECT content_id FROM document_history ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('DOCUMENT_CONTENT', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_document%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_document; /**open cursor of slave table ETA*/ OPEN lcur_eta; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_eta BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table ETA*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.eta SELECT * FROM eta WHERE eta_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) ); archive_pckg.rows_count('ETA', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table ETA*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE eta WHERE eta_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('ETA', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_eta%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_eta; /**open cursor of slave table PICKUP*/ OPEN lcur_pickup; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_pickup BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table PICKUP*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.pickup SELECT * FROM pickup WHERE pickup_id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) ); archive_pckg.rows_count('PICKUP', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table PICKUP*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE pickup WHERE pickup_id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('PICKUP', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_pickup%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_pickup; /**open cursor of slave table SHIPMENT_RAWB*/ OPEN lcur_shipment_rawb; LOOP /**fetch slave table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_shipment_rawb BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_rowids1 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old slave rows*/ /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_RAWB*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_rawb SELECT * FROM shipment_rawb WHERE ROWID IN (SELECT row_id FROM TABLE(ltab_rowids1) ); archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_RAWB', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT_RAWB*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_rowids1.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment_rawb WHERE ROWID = ltab_rowids1(i).row_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT_RAWB', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_rowids1.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_rawb%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_shipment_rawb; /**archive old master rows [REMOVE]*/ /*- delete from orig table SHIPMENT*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids1.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE shipment WHERE shipment_id = ltab_ids1(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('SHIPMENT', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids1.COUNT); /**open cursor of master table CONTACT_INFO*/ OPEN lcur_contact_info; LOOP /**fetch master table PKs - maximum limited*/ FETCH lcur_contact_info BULK COLLECT INTO ltab_ids2 LIMIT lint_sellimit; /**archive old master rows*/ /*- insert into arch table CONTACT_INFO*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.contact_info SELECT * FROM contact_info WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM TABLE(ltab_ids2) ); archive_pckg.rows_count('CONTACT_INFO', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- delete from orig table CONTACT_INFO*/ BEGIN FORALL i IN 1..ltab_ids2.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS DELETE contact_info WHERE id = ltab_ids2(i).id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; archive_pckg.rows_bulkcount('CONTACT_INFO', archive_pckg.OPER_DELETE, ltab_ids2.COUNT); /**exit loop when no data found*/ EXIT WHEN lcur_contact_info%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE lcur_contact_info; /**exit loop when no data found*/ /* CASE WHEN pint_process_id = SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER AND lcur_shipment_noorder%NOTFOUND THEN EXIT; WHEN pint_process_id = SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER AND lcur_shipment_withorder%NOTFOUND THEN EXIT; END CASE; */ CASE pint_process_id WHEN SHIPMENT_NOTRANS_ORDER THEN EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_noorder%NOTFOUND; WHEN SHIPMENT_WITHTRANS_ORDER THEN EXIT WHEN lcur_shipment_withorder%NOTFOUND ; END CASE; END LOOP; IF lcur_shipment_noorder%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_noorder; END IF; IF lcur_shipment_withorder%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_withorder; END IF; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN archive_pckg.print_error; IF lcur_shipment_noorder%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_noorder; END IF; IF lcur_shipment_withorder%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_withorder; END IF; IF lcur_shipment_comment%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_comment; END IF; IF lcur_shipment_container%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_container; END IF; -- Added below on 14/06/15 IF lcur_shipment_container_det%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_container_det; END IF; IF lcur_shipment_container_det_tg%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_container_det_tg; END IF; -- Ended here on 14/06/15 IF lcur_shipment_event%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_event; END IF; IF lcur_tracking_event%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_tracking_event; END IF; IF lcur_shipment_line%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_line; END IF; IF lcur_shipment_line_instruction%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_line_instruction; END IF; IF lcur_delivery%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_delivery; END IF; IF lcur_addition_fee%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_addition_fee; END IF; IF lcur_document%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_document; END IF; IF lcur_eta%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_eta; END IF; IF lcur_pickup%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_pickup; END IF; IF lcur_shipment_rawb%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_shipment_rawb; END IF; IF lcur_contact_info%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE lcur_contact_info; END IF; RETURN FALSE; END shipment_process; /**archive ORDERS in passed cursor*/ FUNCTION shipment_line_process RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_LINE*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line SELECT * FROM stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line_tmp; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_LINE', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); /*- insert into arch table SHIPMENT_LINE_INSTRUCTION*/ INSERT INTO stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line_instruction SELECT * FROM stg_PUCM_archive.shipment_line_instruction_tmp; archive_pckg.rows_count('SHIPMENT_LINE_INSTRUCTION', archive_pckg.OPER_INSERT); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN archive_pckg.print_error; RETURN FALSE; End Shipment_Line_Process; END PKG_ARCHIVE_PUCM; /