User talk:Soumen Kamilya

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Oracle Ships 11g in Linux:

Oracle has launched their latest version of its database management software; 11g is now available on the Linux platform.

After successor to 10g this latest version of Database is announced a month ago but actual sale of this product not started yet. Technical Persons can download the free Linux version of this product at: [1]

This new product includes various new features like upgraded testing, compression and security functionality etc, but the vendor has yet to set a date for the availability on Windows.

Oracle senior vice president of database server technologies Andy Meldensohn stated “Oracle Database 11g continues the focus on grid computing by enabling grids of low-cost servers and storage”

The company said pricing for the upgrade would remain the same as for 10g and has made an evaluation version available. But it has also added four new features it said will cost extra.

The Advanced Compression option is available at the same price as the testing option and offers the ability to compress data twice or three times over. Oracle said this option can be used with new partitioning capabilities to deploy database Information Lifecycle Management strategies without application changes, reducing overall storage requirements.

Active Data Guard allows customers to offload resource intensive operations like queries and backups to standby databases to facilitate disaster recovery and upgrade work more cost effectively.

In overall, it has an enormous change/up gradation happens with comparison to its previous version. Users will be very much helpful with this release and using these new features.

For reading documentation and knowing its new features you can follow the following link provided by oracle: [2].

Your page "PL/SQL Calendar‎" is unreadable. Please read page and reformat it.

In addition, a simple way to know if a year is leap is just to see if it has 366 days:

select decode(to_date('31/12/'||p_n_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')-to_date('01/01/'||p_n_year,'DD/MM/YYYY'),
              365, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') leap
from dual;

Michel Cadot 11:34, 30 August 2010 (UTC)

And a simple way to know the number of days in a month is to see what is its last day:

select to_char(last_day(to_date(p_n_month||'/'||p_n_year,'MM/YYYY')),'DD') from dual;

Michel Cadot 11:40, 30 August 2010 (UTC)

Thanks Michel for the Suggestion for Leap Year and Days In a month. There queries are more easier way to retrieve them however, as I have written this article in PL/SQL so thought to write them in pure PL/SQL rather then using a SQL query inside a function.

Frank has formatted your page, I added the SQL versions as it will be of some interest for those who will read it.
Michel Cadot 07:37, 31 August 2010 (UTC)