Re: An alternative to possreps

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 13:32:20 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Erwin wrote:

> On 9 jun, 11:49, David BL <> wrote:

>>I think there are some interesting differences to consider.  Consider
>>the following wikipedia article on algebraic data types:
>>This has an example of a recursive type named 'Tree' written in
>>Haskell as follows:
>>data Tree = Empty
>>          | Leaf Int
>>          | Node Tree Tree
>>Assuming Tutorial D doesn't balk at recursive types,

> It does.

Does it? It doesn't have to proscribe recursive types outside of base relations. If it does proscribe them in derived relations, I think that's a flaw.

> Furthermore, the concept of wanting to fit graph structures in a
> scalar type definition seems inappropriate. I'm inclined to suggest
> that your "proliferation of types" derives from this (inappropriate)
> desire (to make graphs fit with the scalar types feature) (or at least
> to make them fit in a way that is really inappropriate - see further).
> The canonical way for dealing with trees (and in fact arbitrary
> graphs), is to observe that they are a set of nodes plus a set of
> edges. So a "graph" type is a type that has two components : NODES
> and EDGES. This means that a graph type can be considered as being a
> TUPLE type with two attributes, or it can be considered as being a
> scalar type with two components NODES and EDGES. The difference
> between these two options is in fact negligible.
> But the important thing to observe is that both NODES and EDGES will
> be set-valued in either case, and in the RM context that means : they
> will be relation-valued components (or tuple attributes). From that
> point onward, you are outside the realms of what scalar types and
> possreps give you, instead you've passed over into the realm of
> operators of the relational algebra (plus transitive closure and its
> generalized version).

No, that's still inside the realm of possreps. I see no legitimate reason to limit the operations on values. If a value is a relation, it only makes sense to operate on it with relational operations.

> Using transitive closure on the EDGES, plus the operators of the
> relational algebra, gives you everything you need to answer queries
> such as "give me the tree that has node <X> for root.". And (just by
> way of example) if <X> is a leaf, then you will get a GRAPH value in
> which the NODES component (/attribute) is singleton <X> and the EDGES
> component is the empty relation.
> Under the IM, you _COULD_ define a LEAF type to be a subtype of your
> GRAPH type (with precisely the type constraint that NODES is singleton
> and EDGES empty), but note that this doesn't happen "generically" for
> every conceivable GRAPH type (your GRAPH type will be different and
> thus distinct for each possible node type).

>>How is your project going? I've had a look at your web site a few
>>times, but not read it in any detail.  Have you implemented a DBMS
>>that supports ACID transactions?

> It could hardly be called a DBMS if it didn't have ACID, no ? Not too
> much progress these last few months, alas.
Received on Sat Jun 11 2011 - 22:32:20 CEST

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