Re: performance difference between UNION operator and OR in where clause Options

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 11:35:40 -0300
Message-ID: <4694ea9e$0$8864$>

Mike wrote:

> tables:
> 1. publication(pubid, title)
> 2. book(pubid, date)
> 3. journal(pubid, date)
> purpose: find all publication titles for books or journals.
> precondition: both book and journal tables are not empty. (if either
> is empty, the following solution 2 will be wrong. See my old post
> "difference between UNION operator and OR in where clause Options" for
> details).
> Solution 1: use set "union"
> select title
> from publication, ( (select pubid from book) UNION (select pubid from
> journal)) bj
> where publication.pubid = bj.pubid
> solution 2: use "or" operator in the where clause
> select DISTINCE title
> from publication, book, journal
> where publication.pubid = book.pubid or publication.pubid =
> journal.pubid
> Both solutions are correct under the precondition.
> My question is which one should use for better performance ?
> My intuitive guess will be solution 2.
> Any comments ?

As Roy pointed out, intuition is a really bad guide. While I expect things have since changed drastically, I can say with great confidence that circa 1994, your intuition would have been wrong. Received on Wed Jul 11 2007 - 16:35:40 CEST

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