Re: Functions and Relations

From: NENASHI, Tegiri <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 22:46:11 +0100 (CET)
Message-ID: <Xns9882AAB0B30A5asdgba_at_194.177.96.26>

"Aloha Kakuikanu" <> wrote in


> In other words, it doesn't rewrite the query to
> select * from T
> where x = 1 and y = 0
> ?

It does not rewrite but it is not what you asked is it ? It does what you wanted: access by x = 1 and then filter by y = x - 1.

>BTW, I posted this challenge to the "big 3" forums, and Lennart
> posted qute a surprising fact (at least for me) that DB2 rewrites the
> query even when we have UDF:
> create function my_f2 (x int)
> returns int
> language sql
> contains sql
> deterministic
> return case when mod(x,2)=0 then x*x+3 else -1*x end;
> select *
> from T
> where x = 1 and y = my_f2(x)
> (Of course, the solution is obvious from the "predicates are
> relations, and functions are predicates" perspective.

It is not obvious because you still do not give the function-like- relation realization. When you give it it becomes clear if it is interesting and more performant than to filter rows by function.

>Moreover, we can
> leverage the existing machinery of brute join orders evaluation
> without putting any burden on optimizer's query rewrite capabilities).

We can not because it is not clear how to collect statistics specially for the infinite relation.


Received on Tue Nov 21 2006 - 22:46:11 CET

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