How can one normalize this table?

From: <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 17:48:49 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I have been struggling with this problem for awhile. There may be an obvious answer and I just don't know a lot about database normalization. I am trying to design a database for information about a company. I want the database to be in BCNF.

The entities I have identified are: employee, office, and position. The company has many employees, offices, and positions. An employee can work at many offices but hold only one position. For instance, let's say employee "John Smith" has the position of "manager". He can not have the position of "clerk". He can work at many different offices. An office has many positions. For instance an office might have the positions: "manager," "clerk," "janitor," "secretary," etc...

So there is a relationship among employee, office, and position. An employee has a position at an office. But for a particular position, and office can have only one employee. So, for example, two employees cannot be the "manager" at the same office. How do I decompose the employee-office-position table into equivalent BCNF tables without losing any information?

In the employee-office-position table, I think the primary key is (office, position) because it uniquely identifies a relationship. But employee is a foreign key and position is dependent on employee. So maybe (office, employee) is the primary key. But position is dependent on employee alone and not office.

So if this table is decomposed into three tables: employee-position, employee-office, and office-position, these table seem to be in BCNF. But there is no way of enforcing the rule that one position at a particular office can be filled by only one employee. If someone inserts "John Smith" as "manager" in to the employee-position table, and also "Bob Williams" as "manager" too. And then inserts both their names in the employee-office table for the same office, that rule would be broken.

I figure the answer is obvious but my knowledge in the area is too lacking. Can anybody help me? Received on Thu Dec 15 2005 - 02:48:49 CET

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