Re: transitive closure

From: <>
Date: 22 Jul 2005 00:48:32 -0700
Message-ID: <>

-CELKO- wrote:
> >> I yet to see a case that is handled by recursive "with" and not handled by "connect by". <<
> Want to try an Ackeramnn function?
> A(x,y) = if x = 0
> then (y+1)
> else if y = 0
> then A(x-1, 1)
> else A(x-1, A(x,y-1));

Dont think it is possible, at least for DB2's version of "with". It is not allowed to do nested recursive calls.

I'm not familiar with connect by so bear with me. Is it possible to handle multiple branches? Silly example below


db2 -t "CREATE FUNCTION TOWERS (n int, from int, to int, help int)

    RETURNS table(from int, to int, move_nr int)     LANGUAGE SQL CONTAINS SQL
WITH trace (x, f, t, h, c) AS (

    values (n, from, to, help, power(2, n-1))     union all
    select x-1, f, h, t, c + power(2, x-2) from trace where x>1     union all
    select x-1, h, t, f, c - power(2, x-2) from trace where x>1 ) SELECT f, t, c FROM trace";

db2 "select from, to from table(towers(3,1,2,3)) x order by move_nr"

----------- -----------
SQL0347W The recursive common table expression "LELLE.TRACE" may contain an
infinite loop. SQLSTATE=01605

          1           2
          3           2
          3           1
          1           2
          2           3
          1           3 
          1           2
Received on Fri Jul 22 2005 - 09:48:32 CEST

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