Re: Does Codd's view of a relational database differ from that ofDate&Darwin? [M.Gittens]

From: Alexandr Savinov <>
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 12:52:25 +0200
Message-ID: <42a57c7b$>

Tony Andrews schrieb:
> Alexandr Savinov wrote:

>>I am sorry, but the only thing I can advice is to read something about
>>concept-oriented model. It is difficult because the description is bad
>>(I actually lost an interest to it because almost everything is clear
>>for me).

> So let's get this straight. You have single-handedly developed
> something called the "concept-oriented model", which you claim is
> better than the relational model. However, you have not managed to
> explain this model in a way that anyone other than yourself can
> understand, and have now lost interest in trying to do so. Is there
> any point in even bringing it up in discussions any more?

I said, I am sorry.
I did not claim that it is better, because it is already a political issue (ok, may be I implicitly meant that but I did not want to say that). I mentioned this model because there is a description and everybody can read it and I can answer questions if any. I mentioned this model as the continuation of long discussion in order to point to the source of ideas.

To keep things simpler: if you are interested to know more about null values and other general data model issues then read the stuff on If you are not interested then do not read. If there are questions then I can answer.

Received on Tue Jun 07 2005 - 12:52:25 CEST

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