Re: Date's First Great Blunder

From: Lauri Pietarinen <>
Date: 20 Apr 2004 02:14:12 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Neo) wrote in message news:<>...
> > Perhaps more importantly, it accounted for the data available to Isaac
> > Newton, correctly and elegantly. Both quantum mechanics and relativity
> > were proposed to account for data unavailable in Newton's day.
> Newton's model is "incorrect" in the sense that scientists were
> expecting it to give the correct answers when applied to smaller and
> smaller things. Instead they found it began deviating more and more.
> A similar type of problem exist with RDM. As we apply RDM to a broader
> scope, it becomes less practical. Would you be willing to implement a
> RDM solution to such a problem?

So relativistic quantum theory refines or amends Newton mechanics. Are you suggesting that we should amend the RDM? Please note that quantum theory does not NULLIFY the validity of Newton mechanics, and actually builds on it. It's like negative integers, rational and real numbers actually building ontop of the foundation of positive integers instead of claiming that they are useless.

So to complete the analogy, you should give us suggessions on how to add to, or refine the relational theory, but instead you are giving us alternatives. Einstein did not give us an alternative to Newtonian machanics, he refined or ammended it.

Lauri Pietarinen Received on Tue Apr 20 2004 - 11:14:12 CEST

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