check constraint question

From: Karel van der Walt <>
Date: 22 Dec 2003 11:30:46 -0800
Message-ID: <>

The detail

create table ASSETCLASS

    ASSETCLASS           char(2)                        not null,
    DESCRIPTION          char(50),
    DEPRECIATIONMETHOD   char(35)                       not null,
    USEFULLIFE           smallint                       not null

INTO AssetClass (AssetClass, Description,DepreciationMethod, UsefulLife )
VALUES ('CS', 'Computer Software', 'Straight Line', 2 );

create table ASSET

    ASSETID              char(6)                        not null,
    ASSETCLASS           char(2)                        not null,
    DESCRIPTION          char(50)                       not null,
    COST                 numeric(8,2)                   not null,
    DATEOFPURCHASE       date                           not null,
    RESIDUALVALUE        numeric(8,2)                   not null,
    check (Cost > ResidualValue)

INTO Asset (AssetID, AssetClass, Description, Cost, DateOfPurchase, ResidualValue)
VALUES ('CS0003', 'CS', 'MS Office 2000', 2400.00, '2001-11-01', 0.00);

And now the one with the multi-table check constraint

create table DEPRECIATION

    ASSETID              char(6)                        not null,
    DEPRECIATIONDATE     date                           not null,
    DEPRECIABLEAMOUNT    numeric(8,2)                   not null,
    check (NOT EXISTS (select b.assetID
    from depreciation as a, asset as b, assetClass as c     where a.AssetID = b.AssetID and
    b.assetClass = c.AssetClass and
    a.depreciationDate > dateadd(year, c.usefulLife, b.dateOfPurchase) ))

INTO Depreciation (AssetId, DepreciationDate, DepreciableAmount) VALUES ('CS0003', '2004-02-28', 600.00); Allowed but subsequent inserts fail????? It seems as if my dbms evaluates the check on the existing table before inserting the new record???

Karel Received on Mon Dec 22 2003 - 20:30:46 CET

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